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Captain/Skipper - always or often aboard
SV - Sailing Vessel, 16.1 m (53 ft), sail, monohull, Jeanneau 53
Recommendations 21 received, 16 provided
usually replies within 20 hours

Availability ready now

Embark (Boarding)
ready now to embark anytime
preferably for at least 5 days and for less than 1.4 weeks
flexible, no specific date
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 Boarding location
United States - South Carolina - visible to Crew members only
your specified boarding area is ? within this vessel's boarding location
and the Crew can come from anywhere to board the vessel
your current location is around ? away from this location
 Destination planned to take the vessel next
United States - Florida - visible to Crew members only
this destination is around 701 km from the boarding location
 My current location where I'm in person
United States - same as boarding location
 Home Port of Registry (registered vessel)
United States - South Carolina - visible to Premium Crew


L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
Languages spoken aboard
native Spanish
fluent English
elementary French, Italian
Vessel type, make and model
SV Sailing Vessel, Jeanneau 53
Vessel year
2013 built
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
16.1 metres (53 ft)
Vessel weight (displacement)
20 tonnes (44,100 lb)
Crew & guests aboard
usually 2 people aboard
cruising, tourism or passage


Team request
position preferably for individuals, but teams may apply
Nationality of crew
Gender of crew
Age of crew
preferably between 21 to 60 years of age
Height of crew
Weight of crew
preferably weighs under 80 kg / 176 lb


Anyone and aboard a specific diet is preferred
Anyone and aboard moderate drinking is allowed
Only strict non-smokers and aboard there is strictly no smoking


Coastal/Ocean sea time
preferably crew with at least 1 week spent at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
preferably crew with at least 100 nm logged


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions available
preferably for
 Crew   experienced
 Deckhand   experienced
 Cook   experienced
 1st Mate / Officer   experienced
crew is not expecting to be paid

Dear Shipmates


Fully vaccinated. Looking for crew to sail offshore. I am an expert captain with more than 100,000 miles in several oceans. My boat is always neat and well kept. I believe a boat is like a plane and should be in perfect working status.. I like everything in its place; I believe stuff should be found even without lights, in a stormy night.
Reference Letters:

"Florida, March 2014.
To Whom It May Concern,
As a former crew for Dr Edward, I am writing this letter of recommendation.
On several occasions over the last ten years, I have had the pleasure accompanying Dr. Edward on several trips, both here in the United States, as well as in Europe. He is an excellent captain, with safety as his number one priority. His current boat has all the latest in navigational equipment. The boat itself is beautiful and always immaculate.
Dr. Edward is a great sailing companion. He is respectful, kind, easy to get along with, with a good sense of humor. I would not hesitate to sail again with him, if I had the time and ability to do so.
Every trip was fun, educational and memorable. I highly recommend if you have an opportunity to sail, as crew, with Dr Edward, that you take the opportunity.. Randy S., Female, CFO "

“To Whom It May Concern, Edward is an accomplished navigator with many years of experience sailing all over the world and practicing this sport since his teenage years. Has participated in local and international competitions, Eduardo is totally mindful of safety first above any other consideration. His boat is state of the art and has all of the necessary equipment to navigate safely anywhere in the world. On a personal level, he is serious about sailing and fun to be with. I will not hesitate to sail again in the future. Jorge N. S., CEO”

About the boat, the plans, and current crew

comfortableluxuriousimmaculatevery safevery spacioususually single handedshare experiencemulticultural

Nice fast Jeanneau 53–2013 boat, with all equipment needed for safe and confortable blue water sailing, like epirb,AIS, chartploters, liferaft, jacklines, generator, good sails and navigations equipement everything in working order. etc. Boat already cruised the ocean and sailed the caribean and around Europe, Greece, etc.

Other Reference:
"June 8, 2018
To whom it may concern: I have known Mr. Edwardo for 10 years and had the opportunity to sail with him for 8 years. Mr. Edwardo seamanship is outstanding. His skills at operating a sailing vessel were only surpassed by his strong attention to safety. Mr. Edwardo’ sailing skills, from my own experience of having observed him captain various sailing boats are of the highest order, his navigation knowledge is excellent including the use of all instrumentation.
Sincerely, Graciela C. Psicologhist."

What is expected of the crew

clean & tidydiligenteasy-goingfit & healthyorganisedtravel light (little luggage)politesense of humorcan follow orderswill not bring a pet

To be fit and trim, not scared of wind and waves, able to do shifts, some cooking and to be a safe person that will not hurt herself or the equipment. We will take care of the boat so she is in good shape to keep us out of trouble, happy and safe.Also to keep her clean and neat.




Personal Identity Verified  
amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
no comment
3 skilled
2 positive
1 thoughtful
1 methodical
1 particular
1 adaptable
1 interesting
1 organised
1 respectful
1 clean & tidy
1 enthusiastic

2024 Jul 11


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2018 Jun 21


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2017 Jun 30


Private male
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2016 Oct 28


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2014 Jun 17


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11 days, 2023 Aug2023 Aug
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2019 Oct
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2017 Jul 01


Private male
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