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Owner & Captain/Skipper - always or often aboard
SY - Sailing Yacht, 12.2 m (40 ft), sail, monohull, Pacific Seacraft Voyagemaker 40
Recommendations 2 received, 0 provided
usually replies within 5 days

Availability after 15 Nov 2024

Embark (Boarding)
preferably after the 15 Nov 2024 and before the 7 Dec 2024
preferably for at least 4 months and for less than 8 years
must disembark before the 22 Apr 2030
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 Boarding location
Mexico - Jalisco - visible to Crew members only
your specified boarding area is ? within this vessel's boarding location
and the Crew can come from anywhere to board the vessel
your current location is around ? away from this location
 Destination planned to take the vessel next
Marshall Islands - Majuro - visible to Crew members only
this destination is around 9,076 km from the boarding location
 My current location where I'm in person
Mexico - same as boarding location
 Home Port of Registry (registered vessel)
United States - California - visible to Premium Crew


An itinerary is a route divided into legs showing the planned locations and dates of the main stopovers from the start (initial departure) to the end (final arrival), which is the destination of the vessel's journey (also called voyage, trip, torn, or expedition).

Each leg has a departure and an arrival date and location. It may also have additional waypoints in between, which might be stopping points or course change points.

Accuracy of itineraries

Itineraries for vessels at sea are never precise! We use three accuracy levels for the planning status to avoid confusion about what is likely to happen or not:

  • Pending (not accurate) – initial idea, possibilities
  • Preliminary (kinda accurate) – changes may still apply
  • Planned (fairly accurate) – this is what's meant to happen
Days vs Nights

The duration of an itinerary is counted in days (start to end date) and the leg in nights (departure to arrival date). That is because you may arrive on a Monday and leave on a Tuesday. Therefore, there can be confusion if you were there for one or two days, but it would strictly count as one night without any confusion.

Therefore, you would say you went on a 14-day holiday or trip (the itinerary) and spent 13 nights on all your legs combined, for example.

Planning vs Estimates

There is also an important distinction between planning (what's the intention) and estimating (what's calculated). A time of arrival is always an estimate as a calculation is required; that's why it is called ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival).

You can't plan to leave San Francisco and arrive in Hawaii 10 minutes later, regardless of how desperate your intention is. If you intend to arrive in Hawaii by a certain date and estimate 10 days for the journey, then you can plan to leave San Francisco 12 to 15 days before. Therefore, your departure date is planned (what's the intention), and the arrival is still an estimate (what's calculated based on season, winds, currents, and many other factors). Plans can change due to weather, government requirements, breakdowns, delays, etc.

Tips for planning an itinerary

The following tips are worth noting to manage your itinerary and maintain an excellent overview:

  • 1) Name your itinerary with a short and clear title, such as 2024 Antarctic Expedition or 2024 Italy Family Torn, that is descriptive, easy to remember, and simple to refer to in conversations.
  • 2) You can set your itinerary's visibility to private while planning it, share it with only those you contact, or share it with anyone who views your profile.
  • 3) Next, add each leg of the significant stopovers by date and location.
  • 4) Then, keep updating each leg as required.

Be realistic and mindful when planning an itinerary. People will arrange their timing and life around it, taking time off work, booking flights, arranging accommodation, etc. It's crucial to let the crew know how accurate they can expect the itinerary to be.

North Pacific Crossing

Preliminary (kinda accurate)

1 Leg
4,903 nm
42 days
Start2024 Jun 20 Thu
End2024 Aug 1 Thu
MH Majuro
V berth, salon, and Q berth are distinct rooms; salon can bunk two crew in two bunks; V berth not useful in upwind WX. "Q" berth adjacent cockpit is much wider than a standard Q berth.

Leg 1

4,903 nm42 nights
Depart 2024 Jun 20 Thu
Arrive 2024 Aug 1 Thu
MH Majuro 7 Waypoints
Longest non stop leg en the route planned, en route from Majuro to Raja Ampat via PNG.
End of Itinerary


L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
Languages spoken aboard
native English
elementary Spanish
Vessel type, make and model
SY Sailing Yacht, Pacific Seacraft Voyagemaker 40
Vessel year
1999 built, and most recent major refit completed in 2021
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
12.2 metres (40 ft)
Vessel weight (displacement)
11 tonnes (24,255 lb)
Crew & guests aboard
usually 3 people aboard
round the world, day/weekend trips or passage


Team request
position preferably for individuals, but teams may apply
Nationality of crew
Gender of crew
Age of crew
preferably between 16 to 60 years of age
Height of crew
Weight of crew


Anyone and aboard a specific diet is preferred
Preferably non-drinkers and aboard there is preferably no drinking
Only strict non-smokers and aboard there is strictly no smoking


Coastal/Ocean sea time
preferably crew with at least 3 months spent at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
preferably crew with at least 200 nm logged


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions available
preferably for
 1st Mate / Officer   experienced
 Deckhand   experienced
 Competent Crew   experienced
 Watch-keeper   experienced
crew is not expecting to be paid
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew to pay an agreed share towards some expenses

Shorebased    working or training from or based on a shore or land

positions available
preferably for
 Shorebased: Day work   some experience
 Shorebased: Boat / Property Minder   any experience
for work experience or volunteering

Dear Shipmates


THE 2024 EXPERIENCE, no team no work
If your motivation is to cross oceans soon and for months to come, you want nothing else so much as this right now... we should chat as soon as you get time/whatsapp whatever.

Each pivot decision in my life that rewarded me immeasurably and beyond words was made not knowing, understanding, or had experience with how it would turn out for me and for others close to me. All of them.

Prior interviews here have been with scores of possible crew who wanted to know most of the outcomes. This is not that sailboat.

Captain is gay & seeks safe/enjoyed voyages with experienced enough, grownup sailors.

You: exceptionally motivated with initiative, a mix of problem solving skills in navigation and mechanical aptitudes. A Thirsty learner far more important than experience😀.

You actively listen, speak your truth with respect for others doing the same, mission critical.
You do not smoke, are clean, healthy, committed to doing what it takes.
You celebrate diversity, music, and humor.
Cooking skills, able to play musical instruments a + plus!

Bryon: Bareboat Cruising Certified, daysailing since 2013, and coastal cruising since 2014, Basic Cruising 1 and 2 US Sailing Certified. Bryon a conscientious seaman more than accomplished sailor; he is 34 years sober in 2024; he pays for the boat's operation, maintenance/repair expenses.
He is a lifelong below knee amputee, gay, in fit health.

He knows a little bit about LOTs of things living on sailboats 10 years, DIY til repairs til experts are needed.

95% carbon -0- footprints
Yacht- A Green Cruise Ship using vinegar and Lanolin/other basic products to maintain where feasible + 1000+ watts solar panels.

2017: sailed SW from La Paz, MX to the Marquesas, Tuamotus, Society Islands, Cook Islands, Nuie, and then Tonga arriving Opua NZ November 17, 2017.
2019 to date 2024: voyages in Mexico, from Oaxaca/Huatalco in southern Mexico to Ensenada, La Paz

About the boat, the plans, and current crew

usually cleancomfortableluxuriousvery safevessel is survey certifiedlive on little moneyhave a holidayshare experiencevisit remote placesseek adventurefulfill a dreamlearn a languageface challengeslive off the gridmulticultural

Google "Pacific Seacraft 40" to review why this yacht has such a strong, sturdy reputation. This yacht's CV is ready to send you as inclined.
7 solar panels total = just over 1000 Watts, with energy-use-conservation is meeting energy needs 24/7, no generator and no wind turbine on board by Captain's choice. Goal: close to carbon neutral...Bryon is no purist, what we got we work. What we got we repurpose if not in use.

Bryon a New York raised witty, sarcastic, giving, and as amazing as he can be retiree; he worked in NGOs all his life, not the engine room or the repair shop(s). His Bio readily available. Music is our experienced connection with the universe and homemade bread on board the yacht is a key to bliss.

Cutter rig with 3 reefs in mainsail, 6 reef lines lines lead aft to cockpit, spare halyards for dinghy raising, pole use, or any needs.

Spectra Watermaker, Ventura 150 with MPC controller
Hurricane CO32– 32000 BTU Hydronic Diesel Heating System w/ 3 thermostats.
(Bypass system to allow diesel heater to heat hot water without engine operation.)

REPAIRS the Mexico Protocol:
DIY repairs first til that does not fix a widget; replace widget last option.

B and G 36 Mile 4G Radar
B and G 12" Zeus2 Chart Plotter MFD at helm
B and G new auto pilot and AIS transceiver transmitter
B&G Network Instruments Speed/Log/Temp/Timer/Depth & Wind
Navionics charts on B and G MFD, iphone and ipads
Independent Open CPN/GPS 5.6.2 on Lenovo IdeaPad at Nav Station w/independent GPS

Iridium Go Marine Package
Pactor II Modem connected to SSB for Sailmail/Weather Fax
AT130 Antenna Tuner with FL100, 500Hz CW Filter

Two Epirbs
Monitor Wind Vane
Electric windlass hinged plow anchor with 240' labelled chain rode
New standing Rigging and Lifelines 2018

What is expected of the crew

clean & tidycommitteddiligentdiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfulskilledtrustworthyconfident swimmerrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatortravel light (little luggage)eager to learn & workpoliteLGBTIQA+ respectfulpositive outlookopen mindedsense of humorenjoy cookingdon't mind cleaninggood with maintenancecan follow orderswill not bring a bicyclewill not bring a petharmony

1) Be Safe, 2) Have Fun, 3) Learn passage making hourly …

Folding bicycle onboard 7 gears + lithium battery powered. Cool beans no reverse gear.

"Begin something"




Personal Identity Verified  
amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
no comment
1 enthusiastic
1 proactive
1 thoughtful
1 methodical
1 achiever

2 Recommendations received for this member

2024 May 30


113 days, 2019 Nov2020 Feb
visible to Free & Premium members only
2019 Feb 11


90 days, 2016 Dec2017 Mar
visible to Free & Premium members only