I am seeking expression of interest from competent crews to sail the Bay of Bothnia 2025.
You will be sailing on a Mariner36 Mast rigged Sloop built in the US 1980, she is well fitted out and has comfortable space for 3 persons with each person his/hers own bunk. The language spoken on the yacht is English. I intend to start the sail mid-June and end mid-September. We will be sailing from the most northern part of the Bay south to “Norra Kvarken”, most of the sail will be inside the Swedish/Finnish Lapland archipelago.
We are eating well onboard, a varied diet of fish, meat and fowls together with vegetable and salads.
We will be using a mixture of anchorages, pontoons in nature harbors and marinas. Marinas mainly for provisioning.
This is a mixture of sailing and exploring the archipelago including the Finish National Park of Valsörarna and Bothnian Bay.
A successful crew will be required to have a face to face contact before agreeing to crew.
Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale
di solito pulitoa proprio agiomolto sicura
The yacht is a Mariner36 Masthead Sloop built in New Hampshire US, A new engine, Vetus 4.35, was fitted 2018.
Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio
pulito & ordinatorispettosoraramente ha mal di marebuon comunicatore
A Competent Crew/Deckhand with a happy and "can do" attitude.
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