nuotatore sicuroraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatorenessun piercingnessun piercing faccialenessun tatuaggiorispettosopulito & ordinatoimpegnatodesideroso di imparare & lavorarein forma & sanoamichevoleeducatoLGBTIQA+ rispettosoperfezionistadiligenteattitudine positivaorganizzatoaffidabiledi larghe veduteentusiastaaffabilesenso dell'umorismodisponibile da soloama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionesegue ordinicomprare la mia barcavive con pochi soldiimparare una lingua
I completed a Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environmental Science in 2015 and in 2016 pursued postgraduate diploma studies in oenology and viticulture, an industry I’m extremely passionate about as it offers the ability to work in and outdoors, use of head and hands, and, of course, frequent sampling of the Gods’ nectar! Recently I've just completed vintages in NZ, France, England and Australia, producing some awesome wine,
In 2012 I had a blast working and travelling around the world, visiting Europe and South East Asia, learning a lot about personal responsibilities, the value of hard work, and cultural sensitivity. Later trips to Mongolia and Indonesia as mentioned helped develop better people skills, and an outgoingness I attribute as the most tangible benefit of travelling.
A lot of my interests involve the outdoors, including various sports like skiing and tramping, as well as the kiwi summer/winter institutions of cricket and rugby. I’ve tried never to miss an opportunity for a dive since I was 16 and am currently PADI Advanced Open Water certified, with plenty of experience under my belt from throughout NZ and South East Asia. Mental exercise is equally important and I’m a pretty voracious talker or reader of any quality fiction and non-fiction!
Long-term I hope to buy and retire on my own yacht, but the plan is to acquire a far deeper understanding of boats and the ocean by continuing as an apprentice-type crewman before setting sail myself.