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I crewed and cooked Grenada to St Vincent 2 months. 2018 Italian crew On Tiny Dancer 45 ft Sailboat ( out of Venice Italy owners) 2018. I cooked, deckhand.
I cooked on sailboat (Jewish Captain)40 foot Classic sailboat in Grenada and worked repaired painted polished. 1 1/2 month
Personally , I Sailed Captained 8 years logged 498 trip/Sails lived p.t. Years on my Catalina 27: years 2008-2016. Many Solo sailed, Lake Michigan, Key Largo Florida, Fort Myers. Daytona Beach . Florida
I taught my 17,16 year old daughters to sail on Lake Michigan And Indiana lakes.
I sailed many different Bodies of water all over the world and depths:Oceans: Pacific, Atlantic Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean , South China Sea , Vietnam: sailed in A Junk in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam.
Many Bays, Small lakes, Harbors, Rivers, Lake Michigan .
I crewed Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing powerboat helping fisherman clients. Cleaning fish.
I also sailed fast Hobie Cat 16 for 8 years with 2 girls taught to rig and sail family. In Indiana, and this year in Florida Daytona Intracostal.
Windsurfed 18 years and Sailed 34 foot Hunter 14 , years San Francisco Bay, Pacific Ocean, under Golden Gate Bridge SF Bay world class tides , forces , wind, sea, currents.
From age 19-61 I have sailed quite a bit. Just for fun. I’ve traveled 8 years of my life and get along all cultures well. I am well accepted as easy going.
I have taken coursework studied most recently 300 pg Catamarans Complete Tech Guide For Cruising Sailors by Gregor Tarjan, builder ( excellent)
The SmarterCharter Catamaran Guide to Confident Bareboat Cruising CARIBBEAN,
The Cruisers Handbook of FISHING by expert Bannerot,
just reread Chapman piloting & Seamanship,
byUSSailing course books: Coastal Sailing, Basic (Sailboat)Cruising, Coastal Sailing , Studied many many Coast Guard and Safety Video Sailing training free on line. I am not expert. Not professionally trained certificati