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viewed 134 times
since Jul 2024
last sign in 23 Nov 2024
viewed 134 times
since Jul 2024
last sign in 23 Nov 2024

Availability ready now

Embark (Boarding)
ready now to embark anytime
for any duration
flexible, no specific date


 My current location where I'm in person - Veneto - visible to Boat members only
Your vessel's boarding location is around ? away from this location
 Boarding location
Your vessel's boarding location is ? within this Crew member's boarding area
Destinations I'm interested in
 Home location usual 'Place of residence' - Veneto - visible to Boat members only

Personal details

L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
speaks native Italian
fluent English
learning Spanish
visible to Free & Premium members only
Civil Status
170 cm / 5' 7"
may tell you later


Countries I've resided in
Countries I've visited


I eat any available diet and I'm fine with any or no specific diet aboard
I only drink socially and I'm fine with any or no drinking aboard
I'm a strict non-smoker and I'm fine with any or no smoking aboard


Coastal/Ocean sea time
spent at least 2 years at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
logged at least 10,000 nm at sea


Maritime Qualifications & Certificates
Qualifications / Certifications

Boat wanted

Vessel main propulsion
preferably sail
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
any length
Crew & guests aboard


Professional    paid positions, experience and/or qualifications are usually required

positions of interest
preferably for
 Competent Crew   experienced
 Delivery Crew   experienced
 Deckhand   experienced
 Captain / Skipper   experienced
 Cook   some experience
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew is looking for paid work

Shorebased    working or training from or based on a shore or land

positions of interest
preferably for
 Shorebased: Day work   experienced
 Shorebased: Office Administration   some experience
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew is looking for paid work


Team status
Just me, I'm not bringing any crewmates

Dear Shipmates


Mi chiamo Elia, ho 31 anni e navigo da quando sono nato.
Mio papà ha sempre avuto la passione per le barche a vela ed ogni estate fino ai 16 anni facevamo crociere in famiglia di almeno 1 mese tra Croazia e Grecia.
Nel 2016, Dopo aver preso la Patente nautica vela e motore senza limiti, ho lavorato per 2 anni per una società di charter come ufficio (gestione contratti, check in e check out ecc.) e come skipper a giornata o settimana su barche di 30/34 piedi.
Non ero ancora soddisfatto, per appagare a pieno la mia voglia di navigare ho acquistato la mia prima barca a vela, un Van De Stadt 34 piedi in acciaio del 1987. Dopo un anno passato a preparare la barca sono partito in solitario con l'intento di attraversare il Mediterraneo fino a Gibilterra, ma non sono riuscito a fermarmi.. ho navigato in solitario per due anni, facendo due attraversate atlantiche in solitario (andata: Europa-Caraibi e ritorno Caraibi-Europa). Attualmente, solo con la la mia barca, ho percorso 13000 Miglia, di cui 10300 in solitario (!!!) e le altre 2700 con amici o parenti a bordo.
In totale nella mia vita ho percorso più di 25 mila miglia.
Questa mia avventura con la mia barca mi ha portato ad essere tra i candidati al premio Velista dell'anno del giornale della vela.

My name is Elia, I am 31 years old and I have been sailing since I was born.
My dad has always had a passion for sailing boats and every summer until I was 16 we used to go on family cruises of at least 1 month between Croatia and Greece.
In 2016, after I got my sailing and motor boat licence without limits, I worked for 2 years for a charter company as an office (contract management, check in and check out etc.) and as a skipper by the day or by the week on 30/34 ft boats.
I was still not satisfied, so in order to fully satisfy my desire to sail I bought my first sailboat, a 34ft steel Van De Stadt from 1987. After a year spent preparing the boat, I set off solo with the intention of crossing the Mediterranean

A little about myself, my interests and my plans

easy-goingtrustworthyfriendlydiligentdiscreetorganisedclean & tidyskilledrespectfulconfident swimmergood listenergood communicatorno facial piercingsvisible tattoostravel light (little luggage)politeperfectionistpositive outlookopen mindedsense of humoravailable on my ownready to partyenjoy cookingdon't mind cleaninggood with maintenance

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

seek adventureface challengesgain experienceearn moneytravel

Dopo l'esperienza di navigazione in solitario, due attraversate atlantiche ed oltre 13000 miglia al comando della mia imbarcazione, sono alla ricerca di nuove sfide! Grazie all'esperienza messa da parte negli anni penso di essere pronto per imbarcarmi come equipaggio competente o skipper e di potere ambire ad una posizione ben retribuita

After solo sailing experience, two Atlantic crossings and over 13,000 miles in command of my boat, I am looking for new challenges! Thanks to the experience I have gained over the years, I think I am ready to embark as a competent crew or skipper and can aspire to a well-paid position




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amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
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