Namaste, my name is Danielle. I’m an ocean lover and free spirit above all!
Just sold my house in SP 🇧🇷 and ready to keep up traveling. I gained some experience sailing and sharing life aboard on a James Wharram catamaran, Tiki 38, through 2022–2023. Then continued learning sailing a Leopard 45 through Nov 23- Feb 24 on the East coast of USA and Bahamas. Since Oct 2024, I’ve been sailing from Sicily to Caribbean. Now I’m enjoying the tropical weather and ready to embark for a longer journey. The next part of the dream is to cross the Pacific and spend as much time as my soul desires around this paradise on Earth :)
Work wise, currently a Mindfulness teacher, and a former corporate finance-strategic planner. My main current work is mostly online, from 2-4 hs a day with mental health projects. Would love if the boat has to have Starlink to help me continue with this mission :)
Lifestyle :: I Love living a board, passages, anchorages and nautical lifestyle in general. I’m willing to explore the world and live off grid. The bigger plan is to circumnavigate! I’ve already done an around the world once by land/air. :)
About me :: I’m really easy going, very smiley, adventurous, active and very well organized/ clean. I love practicing yoga, meditation, diving and would love to learn kitesurfing or wing foiling. I love being in the water, swimming and diving. Self awareness, philosophy, spirituality and eco consciousness take space in my lifestyle. I feel nourished with deep meaningful conversations and hope so do you. :)
I like to eat very healthy and like to cook per nutrition! I’m intolerant to gluten, and I somehow manage to always get around when traveling. Music wise, I love to sing, I’m eclectic and personal preference is “medicine music”. I enjoy and need quiet times, it recharges my soul. Also, I have great communication and listening skills, plus I speak a few languages and love to exchange knowledge.