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, male
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Availability after the 15 Oct 2024

Embark (Boarding)
preferably embarking anytime after the 15 Oct 2024
preferably for at least 2 weeks and for any duration onwards
flexible, no specific date
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 My current location where I'm in person
Mexico - Mexico City - visible to Boat members only
your vessel's specified boarding location is around ? away from this location
 Boarding location
and the Boat must be within Mexico
your vessel's boarding location is ? within this Crew member's boarding area
Destinations I'm interested in
 Home location usual 'Place of residence'
Mexico - Mexico City - visible to Boat members only

Personal details

L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
speaks native Spanish
fluent English
elementary French
visible to Free & Premium members only
Civil Status
180 cm / 5' 11"
80-85 kg / 176-187 lb


Countries I've resided in
Mexico United States
Countries I've visited (13)
Argentina Belgium Bolivia Czech Republic France India Italy Netherlands Peru Romania Spain United Kingdom Uruguay


I eat any available diet and I'm fine with any or no specific diet aboard
I drink moderately and I'm fine with any or no drinking aboard
I'm generally a non-smoker and I'm fine with any or no smoking aboard


Coastal/Ocean sea time
spent at least 9.9 months at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
logged at least 1,000 nm at sea

Maritime Qualifications & Certificates

Qualifications / Certifications

Boat wanted

Vessel main propulsion
preferably sail
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
any length
Crew & guests aboard


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions of interest
preferably for
 Crew   no experience
 Deckhand   no experience
crew is not expecting to be paid

Shorebased    working or training from or based on a shore or land

positions of interest
preferably for
 Shorebased: Dock / Daywork   no experience
for work experience or volunteering


Team status
Just me, I'm not bringing any crewmates

Dear Shipmates


I am from Mexico City. I don’t have any sailing experience other than when 25 years ago I worked for Princess Cruises. During a year’s time we cruised on the Caribbean, across the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the South Pacific from Hong Kong to Australia and New Zealand. I did not gain any actual sailing skills then, but the attraction to being at sea has remained ever since. After that I completed a university career on History and an M.A. on Mesoamerican Studies. I worked as a waiter and taught History for a while, but mostly I worked as an English teacher which I did for many years. I have also volunteered in organic farms, as well as in spiritual retreat centers. I am interested in sustainable and holistic living and have participated in different trainings and workshops around topics such as permaculture and natural health. I am a Shiatsu practitioner, which is a kind of Japanese bodywork and massage technique. I opened up this profile on 2021 when I lived in La Paz Mexico, on the Sea of Cortes, I did it to see what my chances were. Then in 2022 the opportunity to sail came when I was invited by a friend to sail across the Atlantic, he was going to buy a sailboat and asked me to help him take it from Europe to South America. But he was a beginner and misfortune happened. He stranded his boat on the coast of France braking its keel, so his plan of crossing the Atlantic ended before even reaching it. I was not present then, as we were supposed to meet further down the coast, but for me the adventure didn’t even begin. Still, during some time I had tried to get prepared by reading, watching videos and becoming familiar with some of the most useful apps, so after that invitation the wish to sail has become more present than ever. I receive an income from rentals in Mexico and have set myself to traveling, sometimes I do volunteer work as mentioned. So again I want to take my chances with the possibility of sailing by being a volunteering crew member.

A little about myself, my interests and my plans

clean & tidycommitteddiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfultrustworthyconfident swimmerrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatorno body piercingsvisible tattoostravel light (little luggage)eager to learn & workpoliteLGBTIQA+ respectfulpositive outlookopen mindedavailable on my ownenjoy cookingdon't mind cleaningcan follow ordersenjoy teachinglive on little moneylearn a language

I grew up and have lived the most part of my life in the big City of Mexico. My professional education is as a Historian, but I have little profesional experience on that particular field, other than having taught History at high-school level for a couple of years. But I do love the field and have written a book and a few articles. I am currently working on a second book, this time a novel inspired on ancient Mexican history. Even if independently, I am constantly researching and trying to be on track with new discoveries and interpretations, my main areas of interests are ancient history and comparative studies.

I am also a trained Shiatsu massage practitioner and sometimes I put that in practice when I travel, but I do not do it on a professional steady basis. When in Mexico I just have ocasional clients, mostly friends or sometimes people to whom they recommend my work. I practice yoga and I love hiking and bicycling. I am single and do not have any children.

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

visit remote placesseek adventurefulfill a dreamface challengescareer changegain experiencelearn to saillive off the gridsustainable traveltravel

I love traveling, and sailing just seems to me the most perfect way to do it. Coastal sailing across the seashores while viewing land and its shapes from a distance, docking for some time to get to explore ports and beaches, and spending several days at open sea, do all seem to me like the perfect adventure and really just like a dream. I also consider being out at sea, where everything depends on joint effort, good communication and sharing, while at the same time we experience freedom, connection and the beauty of the seas, should be one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences one can have. Even though I have very little experience of sea or beach life, I do feel a profound attraction for ocean cruising. I feel I could totally take sailing as a a way of living and a new career and lifestyle.
I am currently on travel mode, free and willing to move onto adventure, develop new skills and help with whatever I know and can offer. Volunteering on a sail boat inspires me also because I think sailing is probably one of the most self-sustainable, eco-friendly and independent way of travelling and living; unfortunately one I could not afford or carry on by myself at the present moment. So learning any given skills would be truly rewarding, while just having the experience totally fulfilling. I can easily help with any common duties and chores, like cleaning, cooking, fixing, sweeping the deck, taking the rudder while others rest, and such. All others tasks I would be eager to learn and help with, I am a fast learner.


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amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
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