I'm adaptable when it comes to plans; and I'm happy to change them if the situation requires it. I love active, sporting and endurance sailing; best in a calm, relaxed and stress-free manner (hats off to two memorable sailing instructors along the way). I'd like to think I'm good at teamwork, communication and teaching; skills that come in handy on board a yacht. As a member of the engineering guild by day, I have no qualms about working with technical gadgets, on-board electronics or mechanical systems such as the engine (although my favourite form of propulsion comes with a rigg 😁). I'm relaxed, respectful and curious, so I'm always ready to explore new countries and cultures, preferably through their cuisine. Whether in real life or in the confines of a galley, I'm a passionate cook who loves (the challenge of 😎) good coffee. Finally, I enjoy seeing the world through the lens of photography.