Hello I reside in Kentucky, but would like to build experience on sailing vessels, that's why I'm here!
I would like to be considered for a position on your sailing vessel for the following reasons:
I'm a highly motivated and goal oriented person.
I enjoy a challenging new experience.
I don't make promises I can't keep.
Experience and skill are very important, but a positive attitude and over all pleasant demeanor are invaluable!
I enjoy adventure, sitting on a couch experiencing life through a tv screen or monitor don't cut it for me.
I want to get out there and LIVE it!
I don't have much nautical experience, but I do have a fair amount of aeronautical experience.
I pursued aviation as a career, after college I started working as a flight instructor, crewed for a commuter airline, and currently I crew on a heavy aircraft for a major U.S airline.
A significant amount my flying career has been spent operating international routes.
US SAILING courses completed February 2016
-Basic Keelboat
-Basic Cruising & Bareboat charter
June 2016
Bareboat chartered a Dufour 41 for a week in British Virgin Islands with family
PADI open water diver certified
Eagle Scout
FCC licensed ham radio operator(general class)
Spent a total of 9 years as a child in Italy(so I understand and speak the language, a bit rusty though)
Currently working on learning the Spanish Language
ASA 101(Basic Keelboat)+
ASA 103(Basic Coastal Cruising) August 2017
ASA 105(Coastal Navigation) June 2018
Due to my profession, I'm able to travel to and from boats with relative flexibility.
I hope that my words have created a representative picture of who I am, and how I think.
Please contact me if I can help answer anything.
I will have a lot of time off September and October. I would love to gain more experience crewing!
Thank you