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Owner & Captain/Skipper - always or often aboard
SV - Sailing Vessel, 7.3 m (24 ft), sail, monohull
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Availability ready now

Embark (Boarding)
ready now to embark anytime
preferably for at least 1 day and for less than 3 days
flexible, no specific date
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 Boarding location
Italy - Sardegna - visible to Crew members only
your specified boarding area is ? within this vessel's boarding location
and the Crew must be within Sardegna
your current location is around ? away from this location
 Destination planned to take the vessel next
Italy - same as boarding location
 My current location where I'm in person
Italy - same as boarding location
 Home Port (unregistered vessel)
Italy - Sardegna - visible to Premium Crew


An itinerary is a route divided into legs showing the planned locations and dates of the main stopovers from the start (initial departure) to the end (final arrival), which is the destination of the vessel's journey (also called voyage, trip, torn, or expedition).

Each leg has a departure and an arrival date and location. It may also have additional waypoints in between, which might be stopping points or course change points.

Accuracy of itineraries

Itineraries for vessels at sea are never precise! We use three accuracy levels for the planning status to avoid confusion about what is likely to happen or not:

  • Pending (not accurate) – initial idea, possibilities
  • Preliminary (kinda accurate) – changes may still apply
  • Planned (fairly accurate) – this is what's meant to happen
Days vs Nights

The duration of an itinerary is counted in days (start to end date) and the leg in nights (departure to arrival date). That is because you may arrive on a Monday and leave on a Tuesday. Therefore, there can be confusion if you were there for one or two days, but it would strictly count as one night without any confusion.

Therefore, you would say you went on a 14-day holiday or trip (the itinerary) and spent 13 nights on all your legs combined, for example.

Planning vs Estimates

There is also an important distinction between planning (what's the intention) and estimating (what's calculated). A time of arrival is always an estimate as a calculation is required; that's why it is called ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival).

You can't plan to leave San Francisco and arrive in Hawaii 10 minutes later, regardless of how desperate your intention is. If you intend to arrive in Hawaii by a certain date and estimate 10 days for the journey, then you can plan to leave San Francisco 12 to 15 days before. Therefore, your departure date is planned (what's the intention), and the arrival is still an estimate (what's calculated based on season, winds, currents, and many other factors). Plans can change due to weather, government requirements, breakdowns, delays, etc.

Tips for planning an itinerary

The following tips are worth noting to manage your itinerary and maintain an excellent overview:

  • 1) Name your itinerary with a short and clear title, such as 2024 Antarctic Expedition or 2024 Italy Family Torn, that is descriptive, easy to remember, and simple to refer to in conversations.
  • 2) You can set your itinerary's visibility to private while planning it, share it with only those you contact, or share it with anyone who views your profile.
  • 3) Next, add each leg of the significant stopovers by date and location.
  • 4) Then, keep updating each leg as required.

Be realistic and mindful when planning an itinerary. People will arrange their timing and life around it, taking time off work, booking flights, arranging accommodation, etc. It's crucial to let the crew know how accurate they can expect the itinerary to be.

Regate Sardegna 2024: Trofeo Formenton e Vela Cup

Preliminary (kinda accurate)

3 Legs
55 nm
2 days
Start2024 Aug 20 Tue
IT Palau
End2024 Aug 22 Thu
Cerco equipaggio con esperienza di regate, preferibilmente in barche con gennaker o spinnaker assymetrico

Leg 1

20 nm0 nights
Depart 2024 Aug 20 Tue
IT Palau
Arrive 2024 Aug 20 Tue
IT Palau 7 Waypoints
Prima regata Trofeo Formenton
Stopover 1 night

Leg 2

7 nm0 nights
Depart 2024 Aug 21 Wed
IT Palau
Arrive 2024 Aug 21 Wed
IT Palau 3 Waypoints
Transfer da una regata a l'altra
Stopover 1 night

Leg 3

28 nm0 nights
Depart 2024 Aug 22 Thu
IT Palau
Arrive 2024 Aug 22 Thu
IT Golfo Aranci 10 Waypoints
Seconda regata vela cup
End of Itinerary


L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
Languages spoken aboard
native English
fluent Italian, French
competent Spanish
Vessel type, make and model
SV Sailing Vessel, not specified
Vessel year
2022 built
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
7.3 metres (24 ft)
Vessel weight (displacement)
1.5 tonnes (3,308 lb)
Crew & guests aboard
usually 4 people aboard
day/weekend trips, tourism, regatta or mile building


Team request
position for individuals or teams
Nationality of crew
Gender of crew
Age of crew
preferably over 18 years of age
Height of crew
Weight of crew


Anyone and aboard any or no specific diet is fine
Anyone and aboard any or no drinking is fine
Anyone and aboard any or no smoking is fine


Coastal/Ocean sea time
preferably crew with at least 2 weeks spent at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
preferably crew with at least 10 nm logged


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions available
preferably for
 Crew   experienced
crew is not expecting to be paid

Dear Shipmates


Le Incursioni della barca 2023

IT: Nuovo 24 piedi sportive e utile da crociera di una o due notti. Basata nel Nord della Sardegna, Madalena, Corsica. Il scopo è di imparare la barca

Come sapete bene il Re D'Inghilterra può dare lettere di marca per il saqueggio di tutte imbarcazioni straniere. Allora, non confermo che queste stesse mi sono state emesse, ma possiamo comunque comportarci come se fossero!

A secondo il vento, le incursioni della barca da 30 Luglio al 10 Agosto questa estate, partendo da Palau, saranno:

Abbiamo bisogno di 2 o 3 pirati per tutte le uscite.

30/31 Luglio
- aggiustamenti al albero
- uscite di prova

1 / 2 Agosto
- Uscite di giorno attorno alle isole Madalene con sosta bagno
- scopo e di provare la randa piena e affinare regolamenti vele

3 / 4 Agosto
- Prova spi
- Uscita di giorno attorno la costa Nord fino a Punta dei Francesi, c 20 miglia andata
- Possibile sosta in rada a Vignola o Monte Russu se vento di Levante, Grecale o molto debole

4 / 6 Agosto
- Uscita di due giorni
- Notte in rada alle piscine di Molara, c 15 miglia andata
- Pura crocera
- Da scambiare con l'uscita in Cosica se vento forte o Levante, Grecale

6 / 8 Agosto
- Uscita di due giorni
- Notte in rada in Corsica, c 10 miglia andata
- Pura crocera
- Rada da scegliere entro Faziouli (se Levante, Grecale) o Cavallo dipendendo se la direzzione vento è Ponente
- Da scambiare con notte in banchina a Bonifacio se vento forte

8 / 10 Agosto
- Uscite di giorno
- Lavaggio e messa a letto della barca (amainando l' albero ma lasciandola sul acqua)

EN: New 24 foot cruiser racer, sporty, based North Sardinia, Madalena Islands, Corsica, going for day trips, overnight and weekend sailing. Aim is to learn the boat and gain experience leading to regatas.

About the boat, the plans, and current crew

fairly crampedusually single handedface challenges

IT: Cercando Equipaggio con esperienza per aiutare a imparare la barca

EN: Seeking crew with experience to help learn the boat

The Raids of the boat 2023

As you well know, the King of England can issue letters of marque for the looting of all foreign vessels. Well, I don't confirm that these themselves were issued to me, but we can still act as if they were!

Depending on the wind, the raids of the boat from July 30th to August 10th this summer, starting from Palau, will be:

We need 2 or 3 pirates for all outings.

30/31 July
- mast adjustments
- test outings

1 / 2 August
- Day trips around the Madalene Islands with a swim break
- purpose is to test the full mainsail and fine-tune sail regulations

3 / 4 August
- Try kite
- Day trip around the north coast to Punta dei Francesi, about 20 miles one way
- Possible stop at anchor in Vignola or Monte Russu if the wind is east, north-east or very weak

4 / 6 August
- Two day outing
- Night at anchor at the pools of Molara, about 15 miles one way
- Pure cruising
- To be exchanged with the exit in Cosica if the wind is strong or Levante, Grecale

6 / 8 August
- Two day outing
- Night at anchor in Corsica, c 10 miles one way
- Pure cruising
- Anchorage to be chosen within Faziouli (if Levante, Grecale) or Cavallo depending if the wind direction is Ponente
- To be exchanged for night on the quay in Bonifacio if the wind is strong

8 / 10 August
- Go out during the day
- Washing and putting the boat to bed (hauling down the mast but leaving her on the water)

What is expected of the crew

easy-goingenthusiasticcommittedskilledcan pay own expenses

EN: Expect crew with some experience to help optimisation of the boat and push her limits a little, all while having some great views and super stops for swiming, picknicks


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