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Owner & Captain/Skipper - always or often aboard
SV - Sailing Vessel, 14 m (46 ft), sail, monohull, Kelly Peterson 46
Recommendations 0 received, 0 provided
usually replies within 2 days

Availability ready now

Embark (Boarding)
ready now to embark anytime
for any duration
flexible, no specific date
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 Boarding location
Fiji - Western - visible to Crew members only
your specified boarding area is ? within this vessel's boarding location
and the Crew can come from anywhere to board the vessel
your current location is around ? away from this location
 Destination planned to take the vessel next
Fiji - same as boarding location
 My current location where I'm in person
Fiji - same as boarding location
 Home Port of Registry (registered vessel)
Canada - Alberta - visible to Premium Crew


L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
Languages spoken aboard
native English
Vessel type, make and model
SV Sailing Vessel, Kelly Peterson 46
Vessel year
1986 built, and most recent major refit completed in 2019
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
14 metres (46 ft)
Vessel weight (displacement)
19 tonnes (41,895 lb)
Crew & guests aboard
usually 1 person aboard
passage: Pacific


Team request
position preferably for individuals, but teams may apply
Nationality of crew
Gender of crew
Age of crew
preferably over 30 years of age
Height of crew
Weight of crew


Anyone and aboard there is only an unrestricted diet
Anyone and aboard moderate drinking is allowed
Anyone and aboard there is strictly no smoking


Coastal/Ocean sea time
none required
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
none required


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions available
preferably for
 Crew   any experience
crew is not expecting to be paid
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew to pay an agreed share towards some expenses

Dear Shipmates


March 2024 update

Another update with a bit more clarity. Circumstances didn’t allow me to get to the Somo Somo channel area where the Rainbow Reef is located last season. I have been to the Rainbow Reef system before and I was very excited to return. I still am hopeful to bring the yacht to this area this cruising season.

I still have a strong interest in scuba diving and I hope diving will a big feature of this upcoming cruising season. The S Pacific cruising season runs from about May until November.

I am on the west side of Fiji sitting out the cyclone season on the hard and working on a fairly major project that actually was the reason we didn’t get to the Rainbow Reef at the end of last season. The project is now likely to finish in April and the yacht will be back in the water for engine testing and breakin.

Then off to Canada ( by plane) mid May to deal with some commitments there. I expect to prep the boat in early July and my season will get underway mid July 2024. Currently, the boat is really stripped down for cyclone preparedness and it will very likely remain that way until I return from Canada

At the end of the 2024 cruising season I currently plan to sit out the cyclone season in Fiji in a cyclone pit which will not require me to remain at the boat for the entire period from November until April 2025. That time would be a good time to start the next journey. I will be back at the boat long before April making the boat ready for the next journey to Canada via Western Samoa and Hawaii. Arrival in Canada would hopefully be in about August 2025

About the boat, the plans, and current crew

usually cleancomfortablevery safevessel is survey certifiedshare experiencevisit remote placesseek adventurefulfill a dreamface challengeslive off the grid

For all travel, either in the local islands or a long passage, waiting for the right weather window(s) is important in my style of sailing. I am a believer that patience and safety run together.

To facilitate the diving, I have a dive compressor and some gear onboard. Diving from a boat is different in some regards but also has its own magic. I also have an interest in underwater, above water photography, and now have a little drone I am trying to learn how to fly. I have more details on diving from a sailboat if you are interested. In short some of the great dive spots are great because of great variable currents and diving without top support is not possible so I plan to do some diving with paid guiding services. More about that in the dive document if you are interested.

Just a little bit about the boat. She is one of the 30 Kelly Peterson 46 cutters built after the more well known KP 44's were built back in the early 80's. She is a strong seaworthy boat that is quite sea kindly. She is well equipped and well maintained. She is fairly heavy, making for a sweet ride, and yet always surprises me with how well she can sail in light air, especially on the beam. She goes to weather quite well when she must. I would say she is a bit complicated with lots of systems. Many systems make for more maintenance but by this point, having owned my boat since 2005, I have had some interaction with almost every system on the boat.

She is well rigged and has a few not so commonly seen setups which reflect my own preferences and my sailing philosophy. I would be happy to expound on these details and why I have come to the conclusions I have.

If you are interested and wish to read in a bit more detail, hopefully as a conversation starter here is a list of available WORD documents I can send to you.

1. My experiences which have prepared me to skipper the boat
2. My style of sailing
3. My thoughts on potential crew
4. Thoughts about the scuba diving part of the proposed adventure

A few documents I planned to write but have yet to complete are below. I think it could be important information and I would be happy to do them if there is interest.

5. Safety features on the boat
6. A brief summary of the boat systems

So if you have questions, want to chat, or want more information please feel free to contact me.

Fairwinds, and all the best as you explore your future plans.

What is expected of the crew

clean & tidycommitteddiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfultrustworthyconfident swimmergood listenergood communicatortravel light (little luggage)eager to learn & workpoliteLGBTIQA+ respectfulpositive outlookopen mindedsense of humorcan pay own expensesdon't mind cleaningcan follow orderswill not bring a bicyclewill not bring a petharmony




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amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
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