UPDATE: Unfortunately I had to haul early this season, on August 12, 2024. BUT, I'm already making plans for summer 2025 - daysails, overnights, and an extended cruise in August 2025 from Harpswell to MDI/Southwest Harbor; Swan's Island; and around those parts.
I grew up in Maine, and now live near Boston. However, I spend much of my summer on the coast of Maine. Looking sailing crew in midcoast Maine for a variety of options. Daysailing if you're nearby; some short 2 -3 day cruising in July 2023; and/or a two week cruise in August. If not interested in cruising, daysailing is great - afternoons usually for a few hours (as that is when the wind comes up and then fades), then maybe a brief stop to enjoy scenery.
Short cruising would be midcoast to Muscongus Bay or so, and two week cruising would be to Penobscot Bay and beyond. The vee-berth may be closed and used as a private cabin. I like to anchor near accessible islands and then go ashore to hike or explore.
Looking for someone easygoing, friendship. Boat is on a mooring, not a slip, so must be physically fit and able to board from a dinghy. I prefer the privacy and breeze of anchoring or mooring, rather than being in a slip.
I pay all boat expenses, hauling, launching, storage, moorings, etc.