After an epic journey from Canada, down the Pacific West coast into Mexico, to French Polynesia, Suwarrow, Samoa, Fiji, NZ, back to Fiji in June, on to Vanuatu, PNG and arrived in the Philippines January 2020. Sailed to Thailand in April 2021 and then in Langkawi, Malaysia as I needed to repower. Back to Thailand in December and off to Africa via Maldives. Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and now in Brazil for the season and off to Suriname end of September. Then Trinidad where I am now. Off heading West soon. Cuba?, Columbia?, Panama ? We’ll see.
This is a smaller size vessel and quite alive on the big ocean so ocean sailing experience and an adventurous spirit will go a long way if you apply for crewing. If you're a smoker, or unfit then this is not the boat for you.
You got to be able to hold a discussion with the smartass captain. If you are a hobby musician, that would go a long way too as I am always looking for musician partners despite being a lousy musician myself by all standards. Lots of instruments travel with the boat.
My boat life is simple. I enjoy leisure time, reading, writing, playing music, snorkelling, scuba, hiking when possible, biking, chatting the day away with cruising friends. I am not a party animal and I am not a social media addict. I like my life more PURE. There's NO STARLINK on my boat.