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da Set 2023
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visto 6,084 volte
da Set 2023
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Proprietario & Capitano/Skipper - sempre o spesso a bordo
SY - Yacht a Vela, 17.1 m (56 piedi), vela, monoscafo, Nelson Marek

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Disponibilità pronto ora

pronto ora e preferibilmente imbarco prima del 1 Mag 2025
preferibilmente per almeno 1.6 mesi e per meno di 2 anni
flessibile, nessuna data specifica


 Località di imbarco
Nuova - Greater Wellington - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
La zona di imbarco che hai specificato è ? entro l'area d'imbarco di questa imbarcazione
e l'Equipaggio può arrivare da ovunque per imbarcarsi
La tua posizione attuale è a circa ? da questa località
 Destinazione dove prevedo di portare la barca
Isole Di - Western - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
questa destinazione è a circa 4,229 km dalla località d'imbarco
 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo
Nuova - è la stessa della località di imbarco
 Home Port di Registrazione (nave immatricolata)
Stati - California - visibile agli utenti Crew Premium


L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
Lingue parlate a bordo
madrelingua Inglese
Tipo imbarcazione, marca e modello
SY Yacht a Vela, Nelson Marek
Anno Imbarcazione:
1989 costruzione, e grandi lavori completati nel 2022
Propulsione principale
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
17.1 metri (56 piedi)
Peso (dislocamento)
11 tonnellate (24,608 lb)
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo
di solito 3 persone a bordo
Tipo imbarco
crociera: Offshore (alto mare), crociera: Costiera o cruising: Inland Waterways


Richiesta team
posizione solo per individui
Nazionalità equipaggio
Età equipaggio
preferibilmente più di 20 anni
Altezza equipaggio
Peso equipaggio

Stile di vita

Preferibilmente equipaggio con una dieta senza restrizioni e a bordo si preferisce una dieta senza restrizioni
Preferibilmente non bevitori e preferibilmente no alcool a bordo
Solo rigorosamente non fumatori e a bordo rigorosamente non si fuma


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 2 settimane in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 500 nm in mare

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizioni disponibili
preferibilmente per
 Crew   nessuna esperienza
 Primo Ufficiale (1st Mate)   con esperienza
 Cuoco   con esperienza
 Sub   con esperienza
 Fotografo   con esperienza
non pagato
L'equipaggio non è pagato

A Terra    lavoro o training con base a terra

posizioni disponibili
preferibilmente per
 Con base a Terra: Dettagli   nessuna esperienza
non pagato
per esperienza di lavoro o di volontariato

Compagni di bordo


Greetings from me (skipper) and her (fast, fun and safe cruising sloop). And greetings from the remote places we will visit, the people in those places that we will meet, and the people that we assist.

Departing from New Zealand, sailing to and cruising in Vanuatu and the Solomons, for the 2025 cruising season, and finishing Queensland Australia.

Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale

di solito pulitoa proprio agiomolto sicuraimbarcazione ispezionata e certificatacondividere esperienzevisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognoaffrontare sfidecerca un partner/anima gemellavivere fuori dagli schemimulticulturale

I’m pleasant, easy to get along with, intelligent, adventurous, inquisitive, able, and a pretty regular person. And the only person aboard at this time.

The boat is a fast and fun cruising sloop set up for single/double handed sailing the world. She’s capable, comfortable and safe.

We have sailed Hawaii to San Francisco (SF) and to Mexico for a season and back. Then SF to the Marquesas. Three years cruising the islands of the South Pacific. Now in New Zealand (NZ).

Departing NZ May 2025, for a season cruising Vanuatu and The Solomons returning to Queensland Australia (OZ) Oct 2025.

While in The Solomons, my aim is to participate in a environmental/conservation project, the subject of the next two paragraphs:

The context: The Solomon Islands rain forests have been logged since the 1920s. Clear cutting began in the 1960s. Timber is now the largest export. In Kolombangara (most extensively logged) less than 10% remains. "Opening the soil" through clear cutting leads to extensive sedimentation flows in rivers downstream, causing extensive damage to marine ecosystems, including estuaries and coral reefs. Regions above 400m still have rain forest, and logging is meant to be prohibited. But research has shown extensive growth of "ghost roads" in these remaining rainforest areas. And it shows that ghost roads are a leading indicator of (often illegal) logging. [PS: "Kwila is one of the hardwoods exported from The Solomons, and the main hardwood imported into New Zealand.]

The project: I hope to get involved with a project to provide indigenous locals in the flatlands and at the coasts with the equipment and knowledge to enable them to measure and document these sedimentation flows. The idea being that this provides evidence to support action to control unsustainable logging practices upstream. I could, for example, transport the project team to remote areas that are difficult to reach other than by boat.

Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio

pulito & ordinatoimpegnatodiligentediscretoaffabileentusiastain forma & sanoamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoaffidabilenuotatore sicuroraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatoreviaggia leggero (poco bagaglio)desideroso di imparare & lavorareeducatoperfezionistaattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie speseama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionesegue ordininon porto animaliarmonia

You might seek adventure, the experience of getting to and exploring remote places where planes cruise ships and tourists can't go, making new friends with local people in remote cultures, making new friends with a very diverse and talented crew. I can provide that!

You might seek to skipper / own your own sailboat. I can teach you to solo mine. I solo'd for 3 months, though not my preferred mode. I can also teach you how to operate and maintain absolutely every aspect of the yacht: sails, water maker, engine, electronics, electrical systems, you name it.

In my list of websites, you'll discover a website by the Hacking Family, writing about their experiences cruising the Solomons. Enjoy. If you need references to other "cruising guides" just reach out.

Seeking crew for passages to/between countries, with opt-in option for a cruising leg before/after passage. 4 aboard on major passages. Seeking crew for individual in-country legs. 2, 3 or 4 aboard for in-country legs. Option to join 2024 & early 2025 local cruising in NZ. Option to remain onboard in OZ thru part of 2026. Accepting expressions of interest.

I am looking for crew that are pleasant, easy to get along with, adventurous, open minded, intelligent, that bring happiness to the boat, and that I will miss when they leave.

Cruising remote places and making new friends in those remote places is an amazing experience. But it’s far from cocktails on the afterdeck as seen in the movies. There is a lot of work, and you need to pull your own weight and share in the work (there is plenty).

Sailing can be amazingly wonderful. And it can very crappy. You'll need to be up for good, bad and ugly.

Alcohol aboard is occasional in moderation, never at sea. No smoking/vaping aboard or ashore. No recreational drugs aboard or ashore - my boat can be confiscated as a result of you bringing recreational drugs.

You need to be fit and without health problems, without physical limitations that would put you or others at risk at sea in foul conditions, and without medicinal drugs that are considered illegal in any of the destinations.

You will be living in my home. Please respect that.

Lodging, food and internet aboard and some expenses ashore are covered. Other expenses are yours.

We are looking to assemble a highly diverse, skilled, capable, adaptable, and joyful crew. Some example things you might "bring":

* 2IC, has the training and experience to be captain in case something happens to #1 captain (me)
* Dr McCoy, in the event of a medical emergency, patch up the crew, patch up villagers
* Chief Joy Officer, brings sunshine and infects the entire crew with joy
* Jean-Michel Cousteau: The training and experience to lead scuba dives, address problems, top-up the training of dive participants, and figure out how to not get eaten by sharks or crocodiles
* Neelix, nutritionist & cook provisions for 6 months featuring high nutrient density, low/no sugar, low/no processed, extremely healthy foods; conjures tasty healthy dishes from stores and the rare and unidentifiable ingredients available locally
* MacGyver, able to fix all things mechanical aboard, as well as in the villages we visit (like dead generators)
* Chief Wayfinder, able to navigate using the ancient ways of the Polynesians, using just the star compass, swells, and clouds; or able to put modern tools to work, including sextant, navigation software TZ Navigator, OpenCPN including MBtiles; adept with weather forecasting and weather routing with LuckGrib
* Jadzia Dax, Chief science officer, knowing all things about the ocean, rivers and forests we visit
* Chakotay, Chief Embassador, training in customs and protocols with indigenous / local people, in general or specific to our 3x countries, perhaps with an in-island network of relationships
* Hoshi Sato, Chief Linguist, with language skills relevant to the 3x island countries
* Margaret Bourke-White, Chief Photographer, camera drone operator, underwater photographer, content creator
* Stevie Nicks, Chief Entertainment Officer, playing multiple instruments and able to sing anything
* Kelly Slater, Chief Surfing and Kite Boarding Officer
* wilderness trainer
* you have/had a job not experienced by the rest of the crew (astronaut, international spy ... :-) )
* (your experience/skill might be different; the above are just some tongue in cheek examples)

Three questions for you:

One: What role(s) are you putting your hand up for?
Two: We aim to leave the remote places and people we visit better off than when we arrived. How will you help us do that?
Three: How will you help "bring my project to life"? [See end of previous section].




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