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visto 882 volte
da Lug 2023
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visto 882 volte
da Lug 2023
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Proprietario - sempre o spesso a bordo
SV - Barca a Vela, 19.8 m (65 piedi), vela, monoscafo, Roberts New York 65SL

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Disponibilità dopo il 1 Giu 2025

preferibilmente dopo il 1 Giu 2025 e prima del 1 Nov 2025
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 Località di imbarco
Stati - Texas - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
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e l'Equipaggio può arrivare da ovunque per imbarcarsi
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Stati - Texas - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
 Porto Base (nave non immatricolata)
Stati - Texas - visibile agli utenti Crew Premium


L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
Lingue parlate a bordo
madrelingua Inglese
competente Francese
principiante Spagnolo, Mandarino
Tipo imbarcazione, marca e modello
SV Barca a Vela, Roberts New York 65SL
Anno Imbarcazione:
2012 costruzione, e grandi lavori completati nel 2022
Propulsione principale
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
19.8 metri (65 piedi)
Peso (dislocamento)
20 tonnellate (44,100 lb)
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo
di solito 3 persone a bordo
Tipo imbarco
crociera: Offshore (alto mare) o giro del mondo


Richiesta team
posizione solo per individui
Nazionalità equipaggio
Età equipaggio
Altezza equipaggio
Peso equipaggio

Stile di vita

Chiunque e a bordo c'è solo una dieta specifica
Chiunque e assolutamente no alcool a bordo
Solo rigorosamente non fumatori e a bordo rigorosamente non si fuma


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
deve avere almeno 5 giorni in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
nessuna richiesta

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizioni disponibili
solo per Ricreativo
 Equipaggio Competente   un po' di esperienza
 Ingegnere / Meccanico   un po' di esperienza
non pagato
L'equipaggio non è pagato

Compagni di bordo


I am an autistic genius with impaired social skills, such as thinking in facts, and believing that everyone does, being too blunt, and being obsessed with certain topics. Watch the Netflix movie "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" to better understand the autistic genius personality. Consider how it might affect you in the confines of a sailboat.

My accomplishments in Naval aviation and civilian careers made history, but would not have happened without the teamwork of my air crew mates, co workers and apprentices. I hope to relive that with my shipmates, but without all the unpleasant things, such as commuting to work or being missile locked. 8=)

Building this boat was my mad scientist retirement project, so she is overbuilt and not very practical. She also suffers from three years of neglect, storm damage and theft during my detox and recovery from radio active thorium poisoning. I need a mate who likes sailboat build and maintenance with improvements in simplicity and ease of operation, and perhaps making the boat go faster... 8=) See boat description below.

And a shipmate with the good vision and confidence to helm in traffic and channels. I won't risk our safety with my radiation sickness atrophied optic nerves.

*****Update 25 January 2025 - My Doctor says that I am "visited by the gods". 8=) ICP-MS hair analysis shows very low toxicity. Maybe cleaner than the average US citizen. Eye surgery in March..The boat has been burglarized again, That plus three years of neglect will require a motivated crew to get her clean, comfortable and sailing again.

Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale

spesso disordinatoa proprio agiomolto sicuracondividere esperienzevisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognovivere fuori dagli schemimulticulturale

Roberts NY65SL design Almarine computer modified and CAM plasma cut in Dutch steel.
(65 X 12.5 beam X 8.5 ft draft). Ultra narrow beam, deep fin keel with one inch thick beaver tail end plate. Skeg hung barn door rudder. Double welded hull will bounce off the rocks and survive a whale attack.
5 X oversized Colligo Dux synthetic rigging, Double backstays and two forestays on 65 ft mast will not come down.. Three anchors up to 200 lb spade (aluminum version weighing 65 lb). Yanmar 4J. All electric galley, two heads with showers and composting toilets.

Difficulties are keeping her deep fin keel off the bottom. High free board keeps the helm dry, but requires physical fitness to climb aboard from the dinghy. Requires a deep water harbor which limits cruising destinations. The sails are huge and stiff, Dropping the jib on the ultra narrow beam deck blocks access to the foredeck and anchor.

Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio

pulito & ordinatoimpegnatodiligenteaffabilein forma & sanoamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoaffidabileraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorenessun piercing faccialedesideroso di imparare & lavorareattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie spesepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionenon porterà un amicoarmonia

Facts about autism. psychiatry claims that autistics are 1% of the population. But they may be as high as 40%. Girls were not counted, because their feminine nature hid their autism. Today, the most outspoken and angry books on autism are written by autistic women. Male autistics "mask" their autism by imitating the behavior of the neuro majority. This is an unpleasant fake lifestyle.

Some autistic children are still treated with barbaric electro shock therapy, many others are poisoned into mind numbness and early death with drugs. But autistics are coming out now and taking a stand against predators. Autistics have published a dozen books on the subject (Audible, Kindle, Barnes & Noble etc..).

Civilization advances on the competitive nature of neuro typicals, but they would not have much to work with without the problem solving minds of autistic geniuses like Isaac Newton, Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Nicola Tesla and Elon Musk.

Watch the top rated Netflix movie "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" to gain an understanding of the autistic genius personality.




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