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Proprietario & Capitano/Skipper - sempre o spesso a bordo
SY - Yacht a Vela, 11.6 m (38 piedi), vela, catamarano, Wharram Tiki 38
Raccomandazioni 1 ricevute, 1 lasciate
di solito risponde entro 7 ore

Disponibilità dopo il 9 Ott 2024

preferibilmente imbarco in ogni momento dopo il 9 Ott 2024
preferibilmente per almeno 2 settimane e per meno di 4.3 settimane
devo sbarcare prima del 4 Nov 2024
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 Località di imbarco
Filippine - Central Visayas - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
l'area di imbarco che hai specificato ? rientra nell'area d'imbarco di questa imbarcazione
e l'Equipaggio può arrivare da ovunque per imbarcarsi
la tua posizione attuale è a circa ? da questa località
 Destinazione dove prevedo di portare la barca
Filippine - è la stessa della località di imbarco
 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo
Austria - Vorarlberg - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
 Home Port di Registrazione (nave immatricolata)
Germania - Baden-Württemberg - visibile agli utenti Crew Premium


L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
Lingue parlate a bordo
madrelingua Tedesco
fluente Inglese
elementare Francese
principiante Italiano
Tipo imbarcazione, marca e modello
SY Yacht a Vela, Wharram Tiki 38
Anno Imbarcazione:
2019 costruzione, e grandi lavori completati nel 2024
Propulsione principale
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
11.6 metri (38 piedi)
Peso (dislocamento)
3 tonnellate (6,615 lb)
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo
di solito 2 persone a bordo
Tipo imbarco
crociera, giro del mondo o ...altro imbarco


Richiesta team
posizione preferibilmente per una persona, ma i team possono applicare
Nazionalità equipaggio
preferibilmente donna, ma anche se uomo può applicare
Età equipaggio
preferibilmente tra 35 e 65 anni
Altezza equipaggio
Peso equipaggio

Stile di vita

Chiunque e indifferente che a bordo ci sia una dieta specifica o no
Chiunque e indifferente che a bordo si beva alcool o no
Solo rigorosamente non fumatori e a bordo rigorosamente non si fuma


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 4.3 settimane in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 500 nm in mare

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizioni disponibili
preferibilmente per
 Crew   qualunque esperienza
non pagato
L'equipaggio non è pagato

Compagni di bordo


Traveling was a big portion of my professional life. I do like to see new places, connect with different cultures, eat unknown food etc…

Sailing means for me traveling powered by the wind… exploring the world from the waterside….

As a person I am calm, tolerant and respectful. I love good food and I love to cook, too. I am personally a “flexitarian” I respect vegetarian kitchen, but I am personally unexperienced in preparing vegan food… So if you are vegan - you are heartily welcome but you have to teach me….

In a nice company I like to to drink a bit but I do not like to be drunken or having drunken people on board. If crew on board does not want to drink and asks not to drink at all: this in no problem for me…

I am a fairly good swimmer, I like to snorkel, just had my first 4 days training in freediving and I am open for cycling if there are somewhere rental bike available. I also like Yoga and meditation. My level of sportiness is pretty above average… Other sports I love are Mountainbike and Racebike, Alpine Skiing and a bit of Climbing (Bouldering) and Golfing. I added Triathlon to my sports experience- so fare on the shorter distances…

After my first experience in freediving I am pretty amazed… therefore it would be perfect to get a freediving buddy on board.

Another lifetime topics of mine is photography. I am there on a semi-professional level. Whenever I needed photography in my professional life it was most likely that I did it on my own - including studio work…

One remark on the „romance“ topic… I do respect crew who share in their profile „no romance“…. For me having an interesting exchange with nice people is more important than romance…. On the long run it would be great to find a soulmate for the trip around the world..

Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale

di solito pulitofare una vacanzacondividere esperienzevisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognoaffrontare sfidevivere fuori dagli schemimulticulturale

Upfront my actual plans when I will on the boat - and be able to welcome crew..

• The next trip to my boat is October November 2024 interrupted by a conference in Japan for 5-6 days
• The next trip after might be End of February 2025. The plan is to have at least 6-8 weeks. The idea of the trip is to go to El Nido and Coron.

• The first days will be in the boatyard to finish some projects… up to 2 weeks.. but hopefully much shorter
• helping hands are welcome...
• in the moment I am flexible with the exact timing so you can tell me your wishes…

The boat is a Tiki 38 build in the Philippines splashing water 2019. My Tiki 38 was renamed recently. During this procedure it gots the German flag certificate with the homeport of Stuttgart....

The last 2 years the boat got some upgrades for more comfort and safety. Unfortunately some repair work was necessary, too But I do not want to sacrifice the Wharram lifestyle of minimalism.

The current location is a perfect spot for this kind of work but I do want to leave as soon as these upgrades are done. But I do plan some extended sails in the region…

It will remain here until Q2 2025 at least, Than I am carrying some ideas for traveling in the current area.

One option is a trip to Japan… I am following La Vagabond on their trip to Japan… and I do have first hand informations from sailors who have been in Japan… i spent quite some time in Japan during my professional live and I love it.

Another option is to sail to Raja Amat and from there to Bali and Lombok.... maybe keeping Cebu/Danao City as "home base".. one option on the way to Raja Ampat is to go there via Palau..

And than moving westward…

The Med is on the bucket list but the great loop as well… and maybe race to Alaska…

Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio

pulito & ordinatodiscretoaffabileentusiastain forma & sanoamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoqualificatoaffidabilenuotatore sicurobuon comunicatoreviaggia leggero (poco bagaglio)desideroso di imparare & lavorareeducatoLGBTIQA+ rispettosoattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie spesepronto a far festaama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionenon porterà un amiconon porto animaliarmonia

I do have the necessary certifications for my vessel - but so far minimalistic. I do have > 1500 nm sailing experience, mostly in the Baltic Sea as well as inshore sail areas in Germany. It is planned to extend the certifications in the near future. Meanwhile I added close to 500nm in the Camotes Sea of the Philippines

I do have substantial navigation skills from my time serving in the military. Another topic is weather evaluation. I studied 2 Semesters of Climatology during my university times… My personal goal is to avoid dangerous weather conditions as much as possible. Luckily the sail area of the current location hs too interesting spots every 20-30 nm - so perfect daysailing distances - and you should daysail there….

Therefore Crew with much more sailing experience is heartly welcome to join the adventure of sailing… maybe for the hole circumnavigation….

Generally spoken: i do want to do larger ocean crossings for circumnavigation - and I do not want to travel alone… therefore female crew is welcome - and for longer passages > 5-7 days I plan to be at least 3-4 people on board.

I am looking for crew (?) which shares the dream to explore the world by boat, connect with the awesome people on this planet and experience different cultures and styles of living.

Ideally you love at least some of the sports like I do…
My sportiness can be described as follow: for not sporty people I am quite sporty, for the really sporty people I am not matching their level by some margin…

Enjoying a powder day or carving freshly croomed slopes on any level, a 100km + bike ride would be great, some single trails with the mountain bike are my piece of cake… ANd I dream about another crossing of the alps…

But a sunset on the boat with an anchor beer or as sundowner, some grilled fish from the local fisherman, a glass of whine is awesome. In the morning some snorkeling around the boat or the island where the boat is at anchor quite early followed by some yoga on the front deck: great…

What are the locations I am dreaming of: I am dreaming of the Sri Lanka, the backwaters of Kerala, the Maledives, Mauritius and Seychelles, the Carribian, the great loop, but the Pacific Northwest as well… And Hawaii, French Polynesia and all these beautiful places of the Pacific. And not forgetting Australia and New Zealand…

What are the places you want to experience?

Do I look for crew?
I do not sail alone… just for safety…
But on the long run I am looking for soulmate to join the journey, the lifestyle and me…




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persona fantastica & ospitale
persona amichevole & affidabile
persona piacevole & educata
persona impegnativa
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16 giorni, 2023 Feb2023 Mar
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18 giorni, 2023 Feb2023 Mar
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