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Proprietario & Capitano/Skipper - sempre o spesso a bordo
SV - Barca a Vela, 14.3 m (47 piedi), vela, catamarano, Custom-built One off

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Disponibilità pronto ora

pronto ora per imbarco immediato
preferibilmente per almeno 3 mesi e per qualsiasi durata
flessibile, nessuna data specifica


 Località di imbarco - Colón - visibile solo agli utenti Crew
La zona di imbarco che hai specificato è ? entro l'area d'imbarco di questa imbarcazione
e l'Equipaggio può arrivare da ovunque per imbarcarsi
La tua posizione attuale è a circa ? da questa località
 Destinazione dove prevedo di portare la barca
Panama - è la stessa della località di imbarco
 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo - è la stessa della località di imbarco
 Home Port di Registrazione (nave immatricolata) - Pomorskie - visibile agli utenti Crew Premium


L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
Lingue parlate a bordo
madrelingua Inglese
Tipo imbarcazione, marca e modello
SV Barca a Vela, Custom-built One off
Anno Imbarcazione:
1990 costruzione, e grandi lavori completati nel 2024
Propulsione principale
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
14.3 metri (47 piedi)
Peso (dislocamento)
11 tonnellate (23,373 lb)
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo
di solito 6 persone a bordo
Tipo imbarco
crociera, turismo o giro del mondo


Richiesta team
posizione per singoli o team
Nazionalità equipaggio
Età equipaggio
deve avere più di 22 anni e preferibilmente meno di 65 anni
Altezza equipaggio
Peso equipaggio

Stile di vita

Chiunque e a bordo c'è solo una dieta specifica
Chiunque e indifferente che a bordo si beva alcool o no
Preferibilmente non fumatori e a bordo è indifferente se si fuma o no


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 4.3 settimane in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
preferibilmente equipaggio con almeno 200 nm in mare

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizioni disponibili
preferibilmente per
 Crew   nessuna esperienza
 Equipaggio Competente   nessuna esperienza
 Cuoco   un po' di esperienza
 Primo Ufficiale (1st Mate)   un po' di esperienza
- visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
l'equipaggio contribuisce ad alcune spese concordate

Professionale    posizioni pagate: di solito si richiedono esperienza e/o qualifiche

posizioni disponibili
preferibilmente per
 Informatico / Ufficiale Elettrotecnico   qualunque esperienza
 Ingegnere / Meccanico   qualunque esperienza
 Bosun   qualunque esperienza
 Istruttore Sub   qualunque esperienza
- visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
l'equipaggio è pagato per lavorare

Compagni di bordo


CURRENTLY REFITTING BOAT: The ship is out on the hard and we will be working as a team on various boat projects including an electric motor conversion. It’s hard to predict when we will be finished.Our eventual goal is to cross canal and the pacific next season.

Are you interested in an open ended sailing adventure but not ready to buy your own boat or don’t want to do it alone? Come join a collective of likeminded people who have set out with a shared dream on a beautiful boat.

Hello everyone, I am Jack, a young skipper seeking crew to join me on my sailing adventure. My goal is to first cruise the Caribbean, and then set off across the pacific hoping to sail around the world. I plan to continue this sailing adventure for a few years to come. This means my ideal crew has the interest to have a long term relationship with the boat, crewing multiple times in various destinations!

I like to sail in a relaxed way, taking nice weather windows and spending time in each place. For us, sailing is about exploring and enjoying life on the water, but having the freedom to take our time. I hope to use my boat to cultivate a space where I can share this experience with friends new and old.

I believe living close to nature cultivates a sense of self reflection. Thus I wish our boat to be a place where people can escape the hectic pace of life ashore, and provide space to focus on important questions.

Sustainability is very important to us and we go to great efforts to minimize our environmental impact.

We spend our time working on our boat, making our own food, relaxing with a book or game, exploring the local area or playing and enjoying music.

We operate as a boat of professionals (and apprentices) finding work within the sailing community in order to finance our travel.

I am an adventurer at heart but I seek to find a balanced and healthy lifestyle, thus turned to sailing.

Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale

di solito pulitoa proprio agiolussuosomolto sicuramolto spaziosafare una vacanzacondividere esperienzevisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognoaffrontare sfidevivere fuori dagli schemimulticulturale

One dream, five crew, one boat, two hulls.

Our beautiful boat is a custom German built catamaran in strip planked red cedar. She has been lovingly cared for and is both luxurious and cozy.

Four oceans in six years, focused on naught but fun. Sailing and traveling is the mission and the most remote places are the destination.

Ninety nine percent of our energy goes into the boat and the dream, with the average crew staying between three to nine months. You will learn what you need to know before buying your own boat or starting a career as a professional.

She is very comfortable and fast, in good conditions she will make 200 NM days. She can comfortably sleep 8 people across her 4 cabins, with two queen beds and four single beds. However we think 6 crew (including me) is the ideal number to have aboard.

Our crew operates on a seniority system. Responsibility and authority are intrinsically linked onboard. Junior crew spend time learning, eventually becoming senior crew who take responsibility and delegate to junior crew.

We also operate as a professional crew. We aim to help other boat owners with sewing, electrical, carpentry, and boatbuilding projects; this is how we finance our ongoing journey.

I hope to create onboard a space where people can come together and share simple and memorable moments. We seek a slower style of life, remnant of an age before instant gratification was the norm. I want to welcome people of all walks of life to come together and share meaningful connections, as that is what I think makes life beautiful. To do this amongst beautiful natural landscapes and changing cultures seems the perfect setting.

Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio

pulito & ordinatoimpegnatodiligenteaffabileentusiastain forma & sanoamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoqualificatoaffidabilenuotatore sicuroraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatoreviaggia leggero (poco bagaglio)desideroso di imparare & lavorareeducatoLGBTIQA+ rispettosoattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie speseama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionesegue ordininon porto animaliarmonia

We are seeking crew who wish to LIVE on a boat and become true sailors, not passengers interested in getting from point A to B or people simply looking for a vacation. Instead imagine this as your next apartment rental. Potential crew should have some time to commit, and ideally an open ended schedule. This is because we generally do not want to share our home with people on “vacation”, instead we seek committed crew who want to be a part of the team. We take great pride in our boat and the lifestyle we create for ourselves, and we want to live it, not sell it.

It will take time, months, to become accustomed to and learn something of life at sea, but in the end it will be a fantastic investment in yourself.

If everything goes well, after some months you will become a senior crew; at which point you may stay onboard as long as you like, or leave and return as you please. As a senior crew you will assume responsibilities for the running of the ship; and managing the work we do on other ships.

There is tons more to read and learn but I’ll leave that for after we get in touch!


We eat a vegetarian diet onboard.

Please be sure you understand this opportunity requires you to contribute both financially and with labor. I am a young guy who just spent all his life’s savings and more to buy a boat. I am not rich nor am I a charity operation and I cannot afford to sponsor people who simply want to travel but cannot contribute financially.

However, it is our goal onboard is to create many ways through which crew can earn the funds needed to live onboard.

It costs money to operate a boat like mine; this is an immutable fact. We run a system that allows everyone to share the costs and rewards of this lifestyle. The contribution I ask of you is a calculated share of the actual costs to operate the vessel; we are not operating for profit, and neither are we penny-pinching. We live the experience to the fullest.

Next; this is not a vacation, this is my life. The boat is not a hotel, it is our home. I love to have fun; but treating everyday like a vacation is not a healthy or sustainable way to live, and healthy and sustainable living is my goal.

Finally, crew must understand that the safety of the boat and those who sail her is the absolute first priority. I, as the skipper, hold the responsibility and sole authority to decide the best course of action for the safety of the vessel.

If you’ve read this far give me a wave; I am happy to hear from anyone interested.

Also; if you have a particular skill that could be of value to the crew, please let me know as it may be a great way to contribute!




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persona fantastica & ospitale
persona amichevole & affidabile
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