INFO - PROFILO BOAT ATTUALMENTE NON VISIBILE • Questo utente ha effettuato l'accesso più di 45 giorni fa, e non viene più mostrato nelle ricerche. Il suo ultimo accesso è stato 5.8 anni fa. • Gli utenti Crew Premium possono ancora contattarlo.
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visto 18,778 volte
da Mag 2008
ultimo accesso 2 Mar 2019
Proprietario & Capitano/Skipper - sempre o spesso a bordo
SV - Barca a Vela, 13 m (43 piedi), vela, monoscafo
I sailed since childhood. When I did not sail I was a TV producer of documentaries on historical subjects. I have done it for many years and as a result know something about documentaries and history. I have published two books: one about Columbus and the age of Discovery and one an Emergency Action Guide for Sail and Motor Yachts. This in addition to more then 300 documentaries. I am qualified as Yachtmaster offshore by RYA and have a100 ton license from the USCG. I crossed the Atlantic back and forth. I sailed extensively in Europe and the Mediterranean. Now I sail in the Caribbean and central America.
We cruise for several months every year. The boat is left in a different port when I don't sail then I pick it up with a crew of friends and sail for 5-6 months. While I stay on board all the time, most of the crew changes every 3-4 weeks. I like to have a crew that knows sailing and something else very well. For each segment I like to assemble a crew of 2 or 3 that is diverse and interesting with a mix of talents, skills, knowledge and experience. Most of the times it works extremely well.
Info sulla barca, sui piani e sull'equipaggio attuale
The vessel is an able cruising ketch. I have had it for the last twenty three years and I know it well. It is well organized and equipped. We keep the boat tidy and well maintained.
Cosa ci si aspetta dall'equipaggio
I expect the crew to participate in all aspect of life on board. Carry his/her heft in work and play, contribute to all the communal expenses such as: food, diesel, parking fees, and pay his own travel expenses. I expect the crew to be civil and recognize the responsibility of the skipper. Other then that I hope they teach me something new and enjoy themselves a lot.
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