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My name is Aoife, pronounced Eefa and I am a young sailor looking for a boat crossing from Panama, Mexico or anywhere around that area to Australia, the Pacific Islands or anywhere around that part of the world. I am very flexible with dates and am mostly looking to join an adventurous boat.
I love the outdoors and like to hike, surf, climb a bit, snorkel and learn about new places. I am easy going and sociable and take each day as it comes.
I have previous open water experience from crewing during for an Atlantic Crossing and I also sail J24s during the summer months here in Ireland. I am looking for a crewing opportunity for myself and possibly my boyfriend too. We both crossed the Atlantic together and I would be happy to provide the captains details as a reference :)
Get in touch if you think I might be a good fit for your boat and Happy adventuring!
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Il 1º Dicembre 2004, Find a Crew ha lanciato la rete globale mondiale di Find a Crew.
Che viaggio fantastico, utenti straordinari e innumerevoli legami incredibili. Grazie a tutti per aver reso Find a Crew la più grande rete online per equipaggi al mondo!
Per celebrare questa occasione, per un periodo limitato di tempo offriremo lo Speciale Premium A Vita.