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visto 1,563 volte
da Mag 2021
ultimo accesso 24 Dic 2024
visto 1,563 volte
da Mag 2021
ultimo accesso 24 Dic 2024

Disponibilità pronto ora

pronto ora e disponibile a imbarco solo prima del 15 Gen 2025
per qualsiasi durata
flessibile, nessuna data specifica


 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo - Nordrhein-Westfalen - visibile solo agli utenti Boat
La località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione è a circa ? da questa località
 Località di imbarco - Faro - visibile solo agli utenti Boat
e la Boat si trova preferibilmente entro 1,000 nm • 1,852 km • 1,151 mi
La località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione è ? entro l'area d'imbarco di questo utente Crew
Destinazioni che mi interessano
preferibilmente entro Caraibi, Capo o Mediterraneo
 Casa 'Luogo di residenza' - Nordrhein-Westfalen - visibile solo agli utenti Boat

Dati personali

L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
parla madrelingua Inglese
elementare Tedesco
principiante Francese
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
Stato Civile
185 cm / 6' 1"
potrei dirlo in futuro


Paesi in cui ho vissuto
Paesi che ho visitato

Stile di vita

Mangio qualsiasi dieta disponibile e preferisco navi in cui c'è una dieta senza restrizioni
Bevo moderatamente e preferisco navi in cui si beve alcool moderatamente
Sono rigorosamente un non fumatore e preferisco navi in cui non si fuma a bordo


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
passato almeno 4 settimane in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
registrato almeno 500 nm in mare


Qualifiche Marittime & Certificati
rilasciato o rinnovato durante 2023 & 2022
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2022 Mag
Illimitato (non scade)
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
rilasciato o rinnovato durante 2021 & 2020
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2021 Set
Illimitato (non scade)
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association

Tipo di barca

Tipo imbarco
Propulsione principale
preferibilmente vela
Tipo di scafo
preferibilmente monoscafo
Lunghezza della nave
qualsiasi lunghezza
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizione di interesse
preferibilmente per
 Crew   nessuna esperienza
non pagato
L'equipaggio non è pagato
- visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
l'equipaggio contribuisce ad alcune spese concordate


Il Team
posizione solo per me, o con il mio teammate
Teammate donna, coppia, sposati (ID: non-utente)
Ci conosciamo da 11 anni e abbiamo navigato assieme per 4 settimane
 Accetto posizioni con o senza questo/a teammate

Compagni di bordo


~~~ UPDATE 31.10.2024 ~~~ I have some time off coming up in December and early January 2025, and would be very keen to join a boat for an Atlantic crossing (or anywhere that I can get to reasonably easily)! If you are planning a voyage during that period, please read on! ~~~

Hello all! I am looking to join a crew, recreational or racing, and can offer you a dependable, enthusiastic and fun helping hand, who is also willing to help out with repairs, maintenance, cleaning and whatever! I am a 37 year old Canadian, currently living in Cologne, Germany (I know, not exactly coastal...) I have always had an interest in sailing, and would like to start working towards my goal of owning my own boat one day. But I know that I have a lot to learn before then! Beyond the inland dinghy sailing I had as a child, I completed my RYA Competent Crew course in September 2021, and followed that up with Day Skipper in May 2022. I would be happy to make arrangements to travel and meet boats in need of crew within Europe. I look forward to hearing from you!

My wife also completed her RYA Competent Crew and Day Skipper, and we're interested in finding opportunities to get more experience together. It's not a hard requirement though, but if you are in need of a couple of crewmembers, let us know!

Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani

pulito & ordinatoimpegnatodiligentediscretoaffabileentusiastaamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoqualificatoaffidabilenuotatore sicurobuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatorenessun piercingnessun piercing faccialenessun tatuaggioviaggia leggero (poco bagaglio)desideroso di imparare & lavorareeducatoLGBTIQA+ rispettosoattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie spesedisponibile da solopronto a far festaama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionesegue ordiniama insegnarecomprare la mia barcaimparare una linguavorrebbe portare un amico

~~~ UPDATE 31.10.2024 ~~~ I have some vacation saved up that I need to use before the end of the year, and so am very interested in finding a sailing opportunity. I could be available during the month of December 2024 and into early January 2025. In particular, I would have time for an Atlantic crossing to the Caribbean departing from the Canaries or Capo Verde, and would jump at the change to join a crew. If you are also planning to start your journey from Spain or Portugal to the Canaries or Capo Verde, I would be interested in joining for that leg too. But, I'm flexible, and would entertain joining a crew leaving to and from anywhere! ~~~ ~~~

I am a project management professional who studied Mechanical Engineering at University. In terms of my career, I've worked for a brewery, as a management consultant, and now on a major green energy project. My wife and I moved to Germany 4 years ago when an opportunity presented itself; I had always wanted to live and work outside my home country of Canada.

I grew up camping, hiking, and skiing in the mountains, and love outdoor pursuits like that. International Travel is also something I love, which has been all the more possible since the move to Germany. I would also say I'm interested in fixing things and doing things myself, rather than replacing or sending away for repair.

Recently, my wife and I found a reasonably priced charter boat in the Netherlands (probably the closest sailing destination to our home in Cologne, Germany), and enjoyed sailing a Waarschip 870 for four days. It was our first taste of being able to plan which destinations to call at, chart our own course, and rely on just ourselves and the boat. The extended weekend through all sorts of situations at us, including beating upwind and 6 knots, gliding downwind wing-on-wing, some very light winds, gusts up to force 5, a close encounter with running aground on a patch of water plants, somehow having the prop pick up a loose piece of line (not ours!) hiding beneath the water, and then subsequently having to dive beneath the boat to free the prop. It was a great experience altogether, and I'm hooked! I am definitely looking for more opportunities to get out on the water.

Since that first trip in the Netherlands, we've returned five more times, sailing a Waarschip 900 and a Kolibri 900 in varying conditions. Our 9 day cruise around the Ijsselmeer in April was particularly memorable, with weather ranging from around 5 degrees celcius in rain and wind gusts well into Beaufort 7, to gliding under sunny skies with 10 knots of breeze in t-shirt temperatures. We now have about 500 NM experience with bareboat charters in the Netherlands, and are looking forward to more new adventures!

For further sailing plans, after completing my first two RYA courses I know sailing is a pursuit I want to get more involved in. I am very interested in gaining more sea miles, learning from various sailors along the way, and completing my Yachtmaster one day. But, to do that I will need to find some crewing opportunities!

Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco

fare una vacanzacondividere esperienzecondividere i costi di quota noleggiovisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognoaffrontare sfidecambio di carrieraacquisire esperienzaimparare a navigarevivere fuori dagli schemiviaggio sostenibileviaggiare

There is something very appealing to me about the self-sufficiency of living onboard a boat while travelling around. I would love to one day own my own sailboat, liveaboard, and explore the world. Following my two RYA courses, I am even more committed to that goal. The courses did show me though that there is much more to learn through practical experience. My goals are ambitious, but I want to do it the right way, and get some good sailing experience under my belt before heading off on my own. So, if there is any way I can join as crew to help out and learn along the way, I would be very grateful!




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persona fantastica & ospitale
persona amichevole & affidabile
persona piacevole & educata
persona impegnativa
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