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 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo
Regno Unito - England - visibile solo agli utenti Boat
la località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione è a circa ? da questa località
 Località di imbarco
la località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione ? rientra nell'area d'imbarco di questo Utente Equipaggio
Destinazioni che mi interessano
 Casa 'Luogo di residenza'
Regno Unito - England - visibile solo agli utenti Boat

Dati personali

L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
parla madrelingua Inglese
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
Stato Civile
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium


Paesi in cui ho vissuto
Germania Regno Unito
Paesi che ho visitato (57)
Antigua & Barbuda Australia Austria Barbados Belgio Belize Brasile Capo Verde Canada Caraibi Olandesi Isole Cayman Cuba Curaçao Cipro Repubblica Domenicana Egitto Isole Falkland Isole Di Faroe Fiji Francia Germania Gibilterra Grecia Granada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Islanda Indonesia Irlanda Isola di Man Italia Giamaica Martinica Messico Marocco Namibia Olanda Nuova Caledonia Nuova Zelanda Nigeria Panama Portogallo Reunion Santa Elena Santa Lucia Saint Martin Sudafrica Spagna Tailandia Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Emirati Arabi Uniti Regno Unito Stati Uniti Vanuatu Santa Sede (Città Del Vaticano)

Stile di vita

Mangio qualsiasi dieta disponibile e è indifferente che a bordo ci sia una dieta specifica o no
Bevo occasionalmente e è indifferente che a bordo si beva alcool o no
Sono rigorosamente un non fumatore e preferisco navi in cui non si fuma a bordo


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
passato almeno 5 anni in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
registrato almeno 10,000 nm in mare

Qualifiche Marittime & Certificati

mostra scadutinascondi scaduto (1)
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2017 Feb
2020 Feb
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
emesso o rinnovato prima 2019
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2017 Mag
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2017 Apr
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2015 Giu
Accreditato da
RYA The Royal Yachting Association

Tipo di barca

Tipo imbarco
Propulsione principale
preferibilmente vela
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
preferibilmente più di 12 metri (39 piedi) di lunghezza
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo

Tipo di impiego

Ricreativo    generalmente posizioni non pagate, o condivisione di alcune spese concordate

posizione di interesse
preferibilmente per
 Crew   con esperienza e qualificato
 Equipaggio Competente   con esperienza e qualificato
 Equipaggio per trasferimenti   un po' di esperienza
non pagato
L'equipaggio non è pagato


Il Team
Solo io, non ho teammates

Compagni di bordo


Hi my name is Paul, I am a young at heart 64 year old man who wants to adventure and meet new people whilst sailing round the world. I have a below knee amputation, which makes me almost a real life pirate. At the moment I am in UK

Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani

pulito & ordinatoimpegnatodiligentediscretoaffabileentusiastain forma & sanoamichevoleorganizzatorispettosoqualificatoaffidabilenuotatore sicuroraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatorenessun piercingnessun piercing faccialetatuaggi visibilidesideroso di imparare & lavorareeducatoLGBTIQA+ rispettosoperfezionistaattitudine positivadi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismopuò pagare le proprie spesedisponibile da soloama cucinarepulisce volentieribravo con la manutenzionesegue ordiniama insegnarecomprare la mia barcavive con pochi soldiimparare una lingua

My name is Paul I am 64 years old. I am divorced and have no children, my financial situation is that I am receiving a small pension which keeps the wolves away from the door, I am by no means rich neither am I poor, I feel that I have enough to get by on. My aim is to sail as far as I can around the world visiting as many places that I can, gaining more sailing experience. At some time in the future I would like to own my own sailing yacht. I am comp crew qualified with plenty of miles under my belt, but I do not propose to be a captain (I'm just happy to take orders)
As for me I am reasonably fit, I weigh 80Kg and stand 172cm high, I have blue eyes and light brown hair.
I have a full UK passport that expires in March 2034
I do suffer from type 2 diabetes which is controlled by medication, it has never been a problem over the last 20 odd years. I have recently had my booster vaccinations. And both COVID-19 vaccinations (Pfizer)
I have two tattoo’s one on my right forearm which was a thing that I had when I was 17, the other on my right calf that was done in Nov 2017.
I am Blood group type O Negative.
I have a qualified Competent Crew Certificate
I have (Nov 17) completed the Atlantic crossing (Gran Canaria, Cape Verde, Barbados) 2800 miles. And now done the ARC 2018 to Saint Lucia. I have Jan 2020 to Mar 2020, sailed from Cape Town to Grenada via Namibia and St Helena, Brazil finishing in Grenada (due to COVID-19) with the World ARC 2019 - 2020. May to June 2020 Grenada to Azores West to East.

I have sailed as crew in the Mediterranean,
I have crewed about 5 times out of Gosport along the South coast of England. I have crewed for 3 seasons in the Caribbean. I have a positive attitude and am a team player. My skills in the kitchen/galley are fair, I am not afraid to have a go at anything, I love being on board. I can tie knots, know how to set an anchor, tie up alongside a pontoon, I can plot a route. I have the basics of how a diesel engine runs and how to bleed it if it should run out of fuel. I can do basic checks for the likes of water in the fuel system and oil / water checks, if a filter needs changing then I can do that. I have completed a RYA St John Ambulance First Aid Course (expired in 2020) and RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Course, and have completed my RYA SRC/VHF Radio course. I returned from sailing in the South Pacific, sailing from Brisbane to New Caledonia and Vanuatu then Fiji, in July 2017, on my last boat I was captain for 6 weeks (whilst the owner/captain went away). I have sailed using 4,3 and 2 hour solo night watches through the nights on these passages. This year, 2023 ( Mar to Aug), i crewed with captain paul watson foundation on mv John Paul DeJoria crossed the Atlantic twice, prevented at least 169 fin whales from being slaughtered, in iceland. Then tried to disrupt the Faroe isles from killing pilot whales and dolphins. I am now back in the UK 🇬🇧.

Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco

condividere esperienzevisitare luoghi remoticercare l'avventurarealizzare un sognoaffrontare sfideacquisire esperienzaimparare a navigarevivere fuori dagli schemiviaggiare

I am quite an adventuress and a fun loving single man who wants to sail and learn a foreign language or two, i am currently trying to learn to play a harmonica. I am honest, reliable and a hard worker, I am a non-smoker and only drink socially, I mix well with other people and can take and follow orders. I love music and films. I can swim and snorkel and have done the PADI Advanced open water dive course in April 2021 I am also enriched oxygen qualified Apr 2022. I would like to start my new life and travel as far as I can get whilst sailing. I retired from my job as a driving examiner so have an eye for detail. I am clean and like a clean tidy environment, however I do understand that sometimes things are not always tidy. I like the idea that there is a place for everything and everything in its place. I like to think that I have respect for other peoples home and equipment so I try to be careful in what I say and do. I get on well with children, I can relate to them because I used to be one. Whilst being a landlubber my main sport was mountain biking and also rock climbing, if you need someone to climb the mast then I am your man. It would be fair to say that my experience of sailing is limited to about 10,000 miles or so, but I am very keen to impress and learn anything that I can to improve my skills and become a better crewman / sailor. I have also been a firefighter with Humberside Fire Brigade so I have a sense of self survival which inhibits me from doing anything too reckless. but that will not stop me from doing any risky tasks on and around the boat. I would like for someone to give me a chance to prove myself to them and be an asset to any boat that I sail on. Please give me a call




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persona fantastica & ospitale
persona amichevole & affidabile
persona piacevole & educata
persona impegnativa
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1 Raccomandazioni lasciate da this member

174 giorni, 2023 Feb2023 Ago
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium