INFO - PROFILO CREW NON VISIBILE AL MOMENTO • Questo utente ha fatto l'accesso più di 45 giorni fa, e non viene più mostrato. L'ultimo accesso è stato 8.1 anni fa. • Gli utenti Boat Premium possono ancora contattarlo.
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Professionale posizioni pagate: di solito si richiedono esperienza e/o qualifiche
posizione di interesse
preferibilmente per Massaggiatore/trice
con esperienza e qualificato
Hostess / Steward
con esperienza
con esperienza e qualificato
un po' di esperienza
My name is Nolita and I'm looking for a new adventure.
Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani
I'm a yoga teacher, professional fire hoop-dancer, masseuse, beautician, and dance teacher. I also do Full Moon and Sacred Cacao Ceremonies. I have an online business that allows me to travel, and I love this life I've created.
I live between Whistler, BC Canada and Koh Phangan, Thailand, but am currently in Australia. My plans are to go to Central/South America.
Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco
I grew up around the ocean as my father had a fishing chartering business for many years, so I'm very comfortable on boats. I also have spent time working in dive shops volunteering as a dive guide. My qualifications are rescue diver. I am not applying for a position as a dive guide, though I do have experience in this field and can be of assistance when needed.
I have 15 years experience as a beautician/masseuse and give a high quality of service to my clients. Teaching yoga and performing hoop dance are also great passions. I also have over ten years experience as a waitress and bartender.
My ideal position is offering body work and/or teaching yoga.
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