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I am Franziska, a young woman who's passionated about travelling. Last September I left Germany to fly to Central America. I love travelling on my own, putting myself in new situations and figuring everything out from scratch. In Honduras, better said on the Bay Island Utila, I met three Australian sailors in a bar. After chatting for a while they invited me to join as a crew member which I couldn't at that point. Luckily I caught them in Rio Dulce, Guatemala.Over there they taught me basic things because that was my first and only sailing experience until now. We sailed a fun Regatta together and after a while we left together to Belize. Unfortunately I had to leave the boat in Belize to fly to Canada (Visa thing).
However, we're still in touch and good friends.
Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani
I'm pretty curious about everything new and would love to learn more about the ocean, boats and sailing.
Last September I graduated from College. I'm planning on studying back home in Germany but I'm not sure about the subject or when to start. The last couple of months I spent in Canada, BC, to work for a while and get a small budget together so I can hit the road again soon.
Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco
I love any way of travelling and I hope, something's going to work out on this website because boating is the less familiar way to me and I'd like to get more experienced. I also like to meet tons of new people!
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Il 1º Dicembre 2004, Find a Crew ha lanciato la rete globale mondiale di Find a Crew.
Che viaggio fantastico, utenti straordinari e innumerevoli legami incredibili. Grazie a tutti per aver reso Find a Crew la più grande rete online per equipaggi al mondo!
Per celebrare questa occasione, per un periodo limitato di tempo offriremo lo Speciale Premium A Vita.