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 La mia località attuale dove mi trovo
Slovenia - Ljubljana - visibile solo agli utenti Boat
la località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione è a circa ? da questa località
 Località di imbarco
la località d'imbarco della tua imbarcazione ? rientra nell'area d'imbarco di questo Utente Equipaggio
Destinazioni che mi interessano
preferibilmente entro Europa, Mediterraneo, Nord Atlantico, Mar Nero o Europa Settentrionale
 Casa 'Luogo di residenza'
Slovenia - Ljubljana - visibile solo agli utenti Boat

Dati personali

L5   madrelingua parla come un madrelingua, senza alcun accento straniero
L4   fluente fluente con vocabolario molto esteso, ma con accento straniero
L3   competente si parla con proprietà di linguaggio quasi di ogni argomento
L2   elementare ci si fa capire, ma non sempre si comprende l'intera conversazione
L1   principiante non si parla la lingua, ma si sanno formulare frasi semplici
L0   non competente si sa qualche parola, ma non elaborare frasi o fare domande
parla madrelingua Sloveno
fluente Inglese, Croato
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
Stato Civile
non specificato
non specificato
non specificato
potrei dirlo in futuro


Paesi in cui ho vissuto
Paesi che ho visitato

Stile di vita

Preferisco una dieta specifica e è indifferente che a bordo ci sia una dieta specifica o no
Bevo occasionalmente e è indifferente che a bordo si beva alcool o no
Sono rigorosamente un non fumatore e è indifferente se a bordo si può fumare o no


Esperienza Costiera/Oceanica
passato almeno 5 anni in mare
Miglia Nautiche Costiere/Oceaniche
registrato almeno 20,000 nm in mare

Qualifiche Marittime & Certificati

rilasciato o rinnovato durante 2020 & 2019
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2020 Feb
2025 Feb
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2020 Gen
2025 Gen
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2020 Gen
2025 Gen
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2020 Gen
2025 Gen
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2019 Dic
2024 Dic
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2019 Dic
2024 Dic
Accreditato da
IMO International Maritime Organzation
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2019 Set
Illimitato (non scade)
Accreditato da
PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors
emesso o rinnovato prima 2019
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2014 Gen
Accreditato da
MZIP Ministrstvo Za Infrastrukturo in Prostor
Rilasciato o rinnovato
2014 Gen
Accreditato da
MZIP Ministrstvo Za Infrastrukturo in Prostor

Tipo di barca

Tipo imbarco
qualsiasi, pesca (commerciale), crociera: Offshore (alto mare) o crociera: Costiera
Propulsione principale
preferibilmente vela
Tipo di scafo
Lunghezza della nave
qualsiasi lunghezza
Equipaggio & Ospiti a bordo

Tipo di impiego

Professionale    posizioni pagate: di solito si richiedono esperienza e/o qualifiche

posizione di interesse
preferibilmente per
 Capitano / Skipper   con esperienza e qualificato
 Primo Ufficiale (1st Mate)   con esperienza e qualificato
- visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium
equipaggio cerca imbarco pagato


Il Team
Solo io, non ho teammates

Compagni di bordo


Something about me:

In 2010 I found out that sailing is the right thing for me. Since then I have tried every year to find a way to be on a sailing boat as often as I can.
I have some experience with sailing and I can say that I am a good skipper. I know how to read maps, how to navigate during the night. I think that I have experienced a lot during the last few years of sailing and that I can deal with almost any situation that may occur on a boat.
I am respectful, clean and tidy, friendly, a good listener. I am a very good cook. I've professionally practiced swimming for three years. I know how to use a first aid kit. My mother taught me how to clean up after myself and how to manage to have things in order. I know how to build a house. I know how to repair almost any broken thing.
I have obtained the certificates for:
Open Water Diver
STCW V/2 Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity
STCW V/2 Crisis management and human behavior
STCW V/2 Passenger safety
STCW V/2 Crowd management
STCW VI/1 (Personal survival techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, First Aid, Safety and Social Responsibility)
STCW VI/6 Designated Security Duties

My sailing CV:

2022 – 2024 (captain on an Icebreaker in Manndalen - Norway)

2021 May
I bought the sailing boat in Sweeden and sail with it here down to Slovenia. My whole trip is logged on the

2019 September
Sailing through the Belgium/French canal (Meuse River)
Duration - 10 days
Destinations - Dinant, Givet, Fumay, Charleville-Mézières
Boat: Older Swedish boat -Ful Kiel (28 ft)

2019 June-July
Transfer full keel boat from Rostock(Germany) down to A Corona (Spain) (the owner is not experienced enough)
Duration - 15 days
Destinations: Rostock to A Corona
Boat: Older Swedish boat (35 ft)

2019 May
Sailing the Adriatic sea (I was a skipper for 4 couples)
Duration - 7 days
Destinations: Biograd, Dugi otok, Ugljan, Kornati
Boat: Bavaria 46

Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani

pulito & ordinatoin forma & sanoamichevolerispettosoqualificatonuotatore sicurobuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatorenessun piercingnessun tatuaggioeducatoama cucinare

2018 October
Sailing the Adriatic sea (I was a skipper for Slovensko kozmetično združenje)
Duration - 4 days
Destinations: Biograd, Dugi otok, Ugljan, Kornati
Boat: kufner 54.

2018 June
Sailing the Adriatic sea (I was a skipper for the advertising company)
Duration - 5 days
Destinations: Sukošan, Pašman, Ugljan, Dugi otok, Kornati
Boat: Gib sea 45.

2017 March
Sailing from Cape Verde (Mindelo) to Guadeloupe
Duration - 16 days
Boat: 42 feat
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean with a French family husband and wife and their two daughters, aged 6 and 10 years). I
helped them with sailing (the mother was not able to sail during the night, the captain needed someone to help with
the sailing). What did I learn from this? How to predict weather during the night from the clouds, wind and waves, how
to be on a small space for such a long time, how to prepare the boat for such a long trip, how to deal with the
problems in the middle of nowhere (we had water in the boat twice (salt and fresh)).

2016 August
Sailing from Kiel to the UK wit a man from England who bought really nice wooden sailing boat in Sweden
Duration - two weeaks
Destinations - Kiel - Kiel canal - Cuxhaven - Amseland - Lauwersoog - through the canals to Lemmer - Amsterdam -
IJmuiden - River Crouch
Boat: 100 years old wooden sailing boat (12m long)
This trip was really special as it was my first time sailing with a wooden boat. It was full of surprises. The North sea
was wild and sailing the canals a wonderful experience. The North sea was certainly not the nicest place to sail. You
have to deal with currents, a lot of traffic in TSS line and the weather can be really unpredictable. When we tried to
reach Den Helder (we started in Borkum) we fell into really stormy weather. They said it was 7 (Beaufort) and some
were gale. The wind was so strong and the waves so big that we had to turn around and proceed to Amsterdam
through the canals instead (the sailing speed with third reef was 10 knots). Going through the canals was relaxing
and fun. It’s true that you can sail only during the day, but at least you can sail every day :-). Crossing the North sea
between the UK and the Netherlands was calm and with moderate waves. The only thing we needed to watch out for
was the big ships.

2015 August
sailing the Mediterranean sea with a guy from Sweden whom I found on
duration - two weeks
destinations (Marseille, Menorca, Mallorca, Eivissa, Alicante)
Boat: some old Swedish beauty (8m long)
This was the trip where I learned a lot. First we needed to prepare the boat for such a long trip. We needed to fix
electricity because when they'd changed the mast the electricity cable was not connected properly. We sailed for
almost 4 days during day and night. At the beginning we did not have a good wind but after 5 days the wind
increased so much that the rope on which we connected the anchor broke and we needed to dive it next day when
the wind calmed a bit. We needed to repair the water pump because it broke. When we sailed from the islands to the continent we fell into a really heavy storm. The waves were around 5 meters high and the wind was so strong that we
sailed 10 knots on just a really small jib. We teared one of our mainsail and we stitched by hand.

2015 May
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
I was the skipper
duration - one week
destinations (Biograd na morju, Rogoznica, Šolta, Brač)
Boat: Elan 333

2014 September
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
I was the skipper
duration - one week
destinations (Biograd na morju, Mali Lošinj, Cres, Krk, Pag, Zadar, Kornati, Šibenik,Primošten)
Boat: Bavaria 34.
We rescued a German couple who had a problem with their motor. We pulled them for around one hour to the
nearest marina.

2014 May
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
I was the skipper
duration - one week
destinations (Biograd na morju, Pag, Rab, Krk, Crez, Dugi Otok, Kornati, Šibenik, Skradin)
first time that I sailed at night
Boat: Bavaria 34.
My first solo sailing as a skipper. We had a really nice time and all the friends who went along said that this was really
the best sailing experience for them ever. It was the first time for me to sail during the night.

obtaining License of Competence for VHF GMDSS station,
obtaining Boat Leaders license of competence
took part in basic and advanced sailing course at (the Adriatic sea - Piran, Portorož)
duration two weeks
Boats: Elan 210 and Elan 331.

2010 May
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
duration - one week
destinations (Pula, Umag, Krk, Pag)
I learned things from other skippers
nice holiday
boat: Elan 333 (nice and fast boat)

2011 October
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
duration - one week
destinations (Zadar, Pag, Rab, Krk)
I still learned things from other skippers
nice holiday, we had some strong wind
boat: Bavaria 34.

2012 September
sailing the Adriatic sea with my friends
duration - one week
destinations (Zadar, Ugljan, Dugi Otok, Kornati, Rogoznica)
I still learned things from other skippers and decided that I will try to obtain licenses for VHF and for boat leaders
Boat Bavaria 39.

Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco

condividere esperienzecercare l'avventuracambio di carrieraviaggiare




Identità Personale non Verificata  
persona fantastica & ospitale
persona amichevole & affidabile
persona piacevole & educata
persona impegnativa
no comment
1 affabile
1 in forma & sano
1 autentico
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1 equilibrato

22 giorni, 2024 Giu2024 Giu
visibile solo agli utenti Gratuiti & Premium

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