nuotatore sicuroraramente ha mal di marebuon ascoltatorebuon comunicatorenessun piercingnessun piercing faccialenessun tatuaggiorispettosopulito & ordinatoimpegnatodesideroso di imparare & lavorarein forma & sanoamichevoleeducatoattitudine positivaorganizzatoaffidabiledi larghe vedutesenso dell'umorismoama cucinarepulisce volentierisegue ordinivive con pochi soldiimparare una lingua
I,ve done my first 384 seamiles on a 10meter sailing-yacht,a GibSea,last year in autumn in the mediterranian sea,and it seems,I am already addicted to sailing.In may I sailed 3 month on a 40 Ft.Cape Dory,we crossed the Atlantik together from the US to the Azores,and further to the coast of portugall.I,m willing to learn,dont mind to make my hands dirty,and I,ve got a natural sense for sailing.And big plus-I,m very reliable and honest too-and I can cook delicious german,italian or asian meals.I dont have a sailing licence til now,but I will do it soon during traveling,if the opportunity arrise.But I,ve got also other skills, I do Reiki,and I,ve got some good skills in writing ,painting and drawing,and photography.And thats important too:I dont smoke,dont drink,and dont take drugs-dont need all these stuff,because my passions are the ocean,art and to help wherever I can.
Update oktober 2013:Have finished the atlantique crossing successfull from the US to the north of spain,worked and sailed than on a 50 Ft.centreboard aluminum cutter all around the algarve for 4 weeks,and searching now for a boat to do the crossing to the caribbean.Looking also for sailing opportunities in all europe or a job on a boat in generally. If someone know about how to get a sailing license in an not too expensive way,and where,please contact me too!
Update September 2022
I am saililing on a catamaran in the Med this Saison,But looking for an opportunity From November on to do another atlantic crossing towards the caribbean