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con esperienza e qualificato
I am a professional Vagabond from Germany who has been traveling for over 2 years now. Some romantic notion of mine has compelled me to try traveling without flying as much as possible. Boats are an ideal way to do this.
My first sailing experience was when i was 12 years old on a traditional Slavic trading ship. And thus i fell in love with the vastness of the oceans and the life at sea.
In Malaysia i had my first deckhand experience on a wooden junk rigged schooner called "Naga Pelangi" for a month. We sailed around Lankawi island.
After that I found work aboard a beautiful 120foot ketch called Infinity. I sailed as a Bosun from the Philippines to New Zealand for 8 months. It was an incredible journey. We were scuba diving and snorkeling, stopping at little islands to clean beaches, record footage for a a docu and helping the islanders repair their dinghies. I gained experience steering though storms, climbing volcanoes and free diving through the last untouched corals of this planet! It was awesome! I really enjoyed to sailing though the moonlit nights, the sky filled with millions of stars, the primal essence of the ocean all around me, hoisting the sails into the breeze.
Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani
I love cooking, playing music, having philosophical conversations, massage and a healthy lifestyle. I participated in a massage and cooking courses in Chiang Ma, Thailand.
My main interest is being handy though. I am skilled with various carpentry tools and like to spend my time either in the kitchen on deck or in the workshop :)
I have the STCW95 which includes survival at sea, firefighting, watch keeping and first aid and qualifies me to work on commercial vessels.
I am planning to complete my tender driving and basic engineers training soon.
I am passionate about the Ocean, free diving and sailing.
I am a fun person, easy going and very curious.
Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco
Sailing is my favorite way to travel. Life at sea is quite perfect for me in many ways. I enjoy meeting new people and having epic adventures in pristine places on beautiful boats.
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Il 1º Dicembre 2004, Find a Crew ha lanciato la rete globale mondiale di Find a Crew.
Che viaggio fantastico, utenti straordinari e innumerevoli legami incredibili. Grazie a tutti per aver reso Find a Crew la più grande rete online per equipaggi al mondo!
Per celebrare questa occasione, per un periodo limitato di tempo offriremo lo Speciale Premium A Vita.