INFO - PROFILO CREW ATTUALMENTE NON VISIBILE • Questo utente ha effettuato l'accesso più di 45 giorni fa, e non viene più mostrato nelle ricerche. Il suo ultimo accesso è stato 7.5 anni fa. • Gli utenti Boat Premium possono ancora contattarlo.
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I have recently returned from cruising around the Canaries and am keen to be at sea again as soon as possible.
Previously I have crewed from Gibraltar to Madeira, from England to France and around the Algarve.
Qualcosa su di me, i miei interessi e piani
Slim, medium height, in good shape and very enthusiastic! As well as sailing I enjoy exploring new places, especially of historical or geographical interest, and also walking, reading and playing scrabble.
I can understand a little French and am fairly knowledgeable about Ancient Classical civilisations.
In the short term I'd like to sail anywhere in Europe, but especially around the Greek islands.
Around the UK would also be an option.
Adaptable and easy-going, I've done a Competent Crew Course, but need lots of practice with the basics.
I have no ties and don't feel the need to be in constant contact with family and friends.
I don't smoke and drink only in moderation. I enjoy cooking.
Motivazioni per cui cerco un imbarco
I love being at sea, meeting fellow travellers and also exploring new places. I don't mind roughing it for short periods and I enjoy the shared experience of sailing, albeit under close supervision from a competent skipper.
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