Why "woman only" and "preferably no drinking" ?
Few years ago we took on board a younger friend, very nice guy ...until he over-drunk !!
And manage why a strong 85kgs guy who over-drunk ... bring back him from "bar" when he can't even walk, looking he don't fight with someone or fall overboard ...No more guy, no more alcohol (or no more than us it mean's a small bottom of glass once a week) :-)
LGBTIQ oriented or 100% "hétéro" it is not a problem for us.(may be my wife will be less jealous if 100% LGBT oriented :-))
Origin : you could be a green Martian or even a blue woman escaped from "Avatar" it is not a problem for us.(excepted for the size of the bunk for woman from Avatar it could be a problem :-)!!)
Why we are looking for a crew ? We sold our well sized (for two "old" people) "Long-cours 62" because my old mother want come with us.after sold our easy to use "long-cours.62", bought this bigger "one off", more comfortable trawler " Pacific 72 " ...and after 3 hour on board my mother said "when I come back to my flat" !!!! You could imagine what her daughter in law things...:))).
Now with the Pacific 72 one more person on board it will be better. (It could be 4 crew + us, but 6 on board for long period of time it could be too much even if this trawler have a good volume inside).
Now due to some change on our situation we ask for "contribute"sorry for that.
Précision if on profile we cross " no more than 100 kg" it is only because on boat more could became à problem for example for jumping on a ponton, but if you are 100kg for 1,85m of course it will easier than 100kg for...1.40m !: -)