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, female
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Recommendations 2 received, 2 provided
in last 45 days didn't reply to any requests

Availability after the 1 Oct 2024

Embark (Boarding)
preferably embarking anytime after the 1 Oct 2024
preferably for at least 1 day and for less than 4 weeks
flexible, no specific date
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 My current location where I'm in person
United Kingdom - England - visible to Boat members only
your vessel's specified boarding location is around ? away from this location
 Boarding location
your vessel's boarding location is ? within this Crew member's boarding area
Destinations I'm interested in
preferably within Southern Europe, Mediterranean or Australia/Oceania
 Home location usual 'Place of residence'
United Kingdom - England - visible to Boat members only

Personal details

L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
speaks native English
learning French, Spanish
visible to Free & Premium members only
Civil Status
not specified
not specified
not specified
may tell you later


Countries I've resided in
United Kingdom
Countries I've visited


I eat any available diet and I'm fine with any or no specific diet aboard
I drink moderately and I'm fine with any or no drinking aboard
I'm a strict non-smoker and I'm fine with any or no smoking aboard


Coastal/Ocean sea time
spent at least 3 months at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles

Maritime Qualifications & Certificates

Qualifications / Certifications

Boat wanted

any or cruising
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
any length
Crew & guests aboard


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions of interest
preferably for
 Crew   some experience
crew is not expecting to be paid
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew to pay an agreed share towards some expenses


Team status
Just me, I'm not bringing any crewmates

Dear Shipmates


I'm a latecomer to sailing, only discovering it as a passenger a few years ago while on holiday in Turkey. Since then I had a few more sailing holidays and became more interested in helping out/crewing.
I'm looking to sail with an experienced, safe and reliable skipper who can also be relaxed and good company. One who can probably manage singlehanded but who appreciates some help and company. Preferably cruising/short trips but I can cope with some longer/overnight journeys.
I’ll soon be retired and looking forward to more free time. Looking for a Med trip then maybe further afield later in the year.

A little about myself, my interests and my plans

clean & tidyeasy-goingfit & healthyfriendlyrespectfultrustworthyconfident swimmerrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatorno body piercingsno facial piercingsno tattoos at alltravel light (little luggage)politeopen mindedsense of humorcan pay own expensesdon't mind cleaning

I discovered sailing in 2011 as a passenger and loved it so in 2012 I completed a RYA Competent Crew course in Gibraltar sailing to Ceuta, Morocco, Estepona. In the following years I helped friends on occasional trips around Malta, Sicily, Sardinia to Menorca as well as plenty of boat maintenance chores!
2014-17 A few weeks each summer crewing in Greece - Cyclades, Dodecanese, and Saronic Gulf.
For the summer of 2018 I had a short trip sailing along the Ayrshire coast and Firth of Clyde, Scotland. In complete contrast I sailed in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico for 10 days in November 2018.
In 2019 I spent 2 weeks relaxed sailing in the Saronic Gulf, Greece; and a more demanding trip from Scotland to Cork, Ireland.
No sailing in 2020 of course
2021 included 4 weeks in Greece/Cyclades and later a few days along the UK south coast from Plymouth to Poole.
2022 &2023 were relaxed cruising in the Ionian islands. I had a great time there and I'm looking forward to another, already arranged sailing trip there in May/June 2024

I'm a relaxed, tolerant person and quite happy to go with the flow. My interests include running, yoga, hiking usually in the Lake District National Park but I also love to walk and wander about when I get to new places. Recently I've taken up learning golf in anticipation of those retirement days which are not far away. Unless I'm sailing of course.

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

have a holidayshare experiencevisit remote placesseek adventuregain experiencetravel

I like the activity as well as the relaxation that sailing can provide and so find it ideal for me as a holiday. I'd also like to have a few more experiences actually sailing and be a useful crew member.
Romance is not my main motivation. I am comfortably single right now but in life you never know what will happen with the future so I keep an open mind.




Personal Identity not Verified  
amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
no comment

2019 Jan 05


13 days, 2018 Nov2018 Dec
visible to Free & Premium members only
2014 Sep 09


visible to Free & Premium members only
13 days, 2018 Nov2018 Dec
visible to Free & Premium members only
visible to Free & Premium members only