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, female
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Recommendations 3 received, 2 provided
usually replies within 2 hours

Availability after the 1 Jan 2025

Embark (Boarding)
preferably embarking anytime after the 1 Jan 2025
preferably for at least 1 year and for any duration onwards
flexible, no specific date
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 My current location where I'm in person
Australia - Queensland - visible to Boat members only
your vessel's specified boarding location is around ? away from this location
 Boarding location
your vessel's boarding location is ? within this Crew member's boarding area
Destinations I'm interested in
preferably within South Pacific or North Pacific
 Home location usual 'Place of residence'
Australia - Queensland - visible to Boat members only

Personal details

L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
speaks native English
visible to Free & Premium members only
Civil Status
167 cm / 5' 6"
65-70 kg / 143-154 lb


Countries I've resided in (6)
Australia Cook Islands New Zealand Papua New Guinea South Korea United Kingdom
Countries I've visited (13)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Fiji French Polynesia Hong Kong Indonesia Malaysia Palau Panama Philippines Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Vanuatu


I eat any available diet and I'm fine with any or no specific diet aboard
I'm a strict non-drinker and I'm fine with any or no drinking aboard
I'm a strict non-smoker and I prefer vessels with no smoking aboard


Coastal/Ocean sea time
spent at least 10 years at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
logged at least 10,000 nm at sea

Maritime Qualifications & Certificates

issued or renewed before 2019
Issued or renewed
2011 Mar
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
AIDA AIDA International
Issued or renewed
2004 Feb
Accredited by
SSI Scuba Schools International
Issued or renewed
1990 May
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
MSQ Maritime Safety Queensland

Boat wanted

any, passage: Pacific, cruising or round the world
Vessel main propulsion
only sail
Vessel hull type
only monohull
Vessel length
preferably over 8 metres (26 ft) in length
Crew & guests aboard


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions of interest
preferably for
 Deckhand   experienced and qualified
 Competent Crew   experienced
 Teacher / Tutor   experienced and qualified
 Nanny / Childcare   experienced
crew is not expecting to be paid
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew to pay an agreed share towards some expenses


Team status
Just me, I'm not bringing any crewmates

Dear Shipmates


Adventurous, experienced Aussie girl looking to cruise across the Pacific, 2025, with the aim of circumnavigating.
I sailed across the Pacific 2023 - and i loved it so much I want to do it again.

A little about myself, my interests and my plans

clean & tidycommitteddiligentdiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfulskilledtrustworthyconfident swimmerrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatortravel light (little luggage)eager to learn & workpoliteLGBTIQA+ respectfulpositive outlookopen mindedsense of humorcan pay own expensesavailable on my owndon't mind cleaninggood with maintenancecan follow ordersenjoy teachingbuy my own boat one daylive on little money

I know my way around a boat, don't do drama, have a can do attitude and love every minute of being on boats and ĺthe ocean. Happy to help preparing the boat for sea. I can do night watches, i'm capable on deck and know what it means to be good crew and a great team member.

I´m an all round waterbaby and am happiest on boats. I come from a commercial fishing background and love the cruising life. I've worked for decades around boats both at sea and around the waterfront. I have sailed on tallships and in 2014/2015 cruised the western Pacific via Palau on a small yacht, ending up in the Philippines. I love being part of a crew - particularly the friendship, teamwork, cameraderie, and the never ending learning.
I don´t drink (i can always drive the dinghy!) and can still function and take orders even when i´m scared.
I have a degree in maritime archaeology and am particularly interested in traditional sailing and boatbuilding. I try to tread lightly on our planet. In 2010 I swam 150 kms around an island in Korea to raise environmental awareness about the oceans.
Spent 5 years living on Palmerston Island, Cook Islands.
I'm a qualified teacher and have child care experience so would also enjoy joining a family and helping with the kids if anyone's looking for a teacher or nanny.

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

share experiencevisit remote placesseek adventureface challengesgain experiencelive off the gridsustainable travel

I've worked or played on or around boats and the waterfront most of my life in various capacities - linesman, boatbuilding, charter boats, etc. 2023 i sailed from Panama to French Polynesia then from there to the Cook Islands, Nuie and Tonga, Fiji and New Caledonia. In 2014 I spent 9 months cruising Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomons, PNG and Palau and then 9 months caretaking a boat in the Philippines. I really enjoy living simply, independent of the grid, and all that that entails. So my style of cruising is very simple ~ don't need lots of mod cons to be happy or comfortable. Learning to play island ukelele despite being a terrible singer. I love long passages, beaches and islands, swimming, dinghy rides, snorkelling and after living for more than 5 years on one of the most remote islands in the Pacific can share my island girl knowledge and skills.




Personal Identity Verified  
amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
no comment
2 enthusiastic
2 respectful
2 clean & tidy
1 helpful
1 skilled
1 easy-going
1 organised

2023 Aug 16


35 days, 2023 Jul2023 Sep
visible to Free & Premium members only
2023 May 12


91 days, 2023 Feb2023 May
visible to Free & Premium members only
2019 Aug 28


11 days, 2019 Aug2019 Aug
visible to Free & Premium members only
2023 Feb
visible to Free & Premium members only
41 days, 2023 Jul2023 Sep
visible to Free & Premium members only